Shoppin' Part 2⭐Chapter 7

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Wanting to back down I begin to walk out until I start to think to myself. "I can't let Mary dictate where I go. If I want to go in there I will, sure it won't be the same but I can't continue on like this." Putting my best game face on I trudge back into the store, now with GP in my pocket.

Taking him out again I ask him what he thinks I should wear to begin my "spiritual journey" as he says.

"Wellllll, green and orange would look really rad on you."

Complying GP points out these really cool green poo bag pants like Justin Biebers and a tie dye shirt with orange tinges on it.

"We should have done this 4 hours ago." I say

"Omg old man Larry, we could be twins now! TWINSIES!"

Looking at GP I realise that I must be insane if I'm taking fashion advise from a fruit. Looking down at the outfit I begin to notice that the attire is basically what GP calls "clothes" or peel as we humans say.

"Oh my god. No way. What was I thinking! How can a grapefruit help me find clothes. You don't even have good fashion sense! You dont even wear clothes." I say coming to my senses.

"Um excuse me! I worked very hard on my outfit today. I don't just ripen up this good, it takes time to look this... fresh. " he says offended.

Getting into yet another argument with GP I start noticing that the store clerks had been sending me strange looks and onlookers were sending me pitiful looks. At one stage a worker came to me and asked if I was feeling alright.

Realising that it might look just a tad bit ridiculous I but GP back in my coat pocket and exit the shopping complex. Maybe shopping wasn't my thing.


Sorry it took so long. I was lazy. I'm on holidays so yeah...

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