"And tell me, David," Sybil spoke, walking over to where he was sat and crouching in front of him.  "When you and the others were running over to his desk behind my back and throwing things at him, was that paying attention?"

"...No, Miss." the boy mumbled, letting his head droop.

"So what makes you any better than Donovan?"

"Well, I'm awake, Miss."

Another small wave of laughter swept through the class, but Sybil ignored it.

"Same outcome, different methods. That's what I see, David. Next time something like this happens, let me handle it. Sound good?"

"Yes, Miss."

"Good." she smiled, standing up and throwing a glance to the clock. "It looks like our time here is up. We'll pick this back up tomorrow, where I trust that you will all be a little more civilised."

"Yes, Miss Day." the class chorused.

"Thank you. Now, go on! Beat it!"

The class bid her goodbye as they dashed out of the classroom, off to enjoy the freedoms of the rest of their day. As soon as the last student exited the classroom, Sybil made her way over to little Donovan, and gently rubbed his back.

"Donovan," she called out. "Donovan, wake up, darling. School's over. It's time to go home."

Sitting up groggily, Donovan blinked open his eyes and looked up at his teacher.


"School's out, love." she chuckled. "Have a nice nap?"


"It's alright, Donovan." Sybil laughed. "I'm not cross.  I just want to know if everything is okay; you're usually never like this."

"My mum just had a baby," he spoke bashfully.  "I've been helping her out with everything.  I'm sorry, Miss.  It won't happen again."

"Helping your mum out is very kind of you, Donovan.  I'm sure she appreciates your help, and I'm sure that your little brother or sister does, too."

At this, Donovan perked up.

"She's so tiny, Miss Day," he shared.  "Loud as the devil, too!  Kept the whole house up the whole night!"

Sybil laughed and nodded, smiling down at the boy.

"Babies tend to be that way," she mused.  "I'll tell you what.  If you're ever tired like that again, just let me know before class.  We'll sort something out so you can get a little bit of rest. Sound good?"

Nodding enthusiastically, Donovan beamed up at his teacher, grateful that he had someone like her in his life.

"Thank you, Miss!"

"You're very welcome, Donovan.  Now, run along.  I'm sure your mother is wondering where you are by now." she smiled.  "I'll see you tomorrow."

The little boy quickly gathered his things, seeming to only just remember that school had already ended.  Dashing towards the door, he turned to his teacher and waved.

devil's backbone 🗝 tommy shelbyWhere stories live. Discover now