I quickly pull my robe over my body and enter my bathroom, leaving the door ajar as I do so.

In a minute or so, I hear a knock on the door.

"Come In!" I yell in the direction of the door.

Kalie and Nickie are already halfway to the bathroom as I yell this, because they decided to e themselves in.

'What if I'd been naked?" I ask with more curiosity than anything.

"Then we would continue our venture into your chambers." Kalie tells me as she ties her hair up into a bun. She sees my questioning look (eyebrows raised), and elaborates. "It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before. We've been friends forever, we even used to take baths together. Remember?"

"Yeah, and it's not like we've never been skinny dipping together.. which I totally blame you for, Savannah." Nickie adds with a finger pointing in my direction.

She picks up her hair kit and sits me down on my swivel chair, setting it down in front of my mirror.

My mouth drops in surprise, "Oh! No, no no. You cannot blame lil' ol' me for the car breaking down in the middle of the summer. I, for one, had alot of fun and bonding time that night. It brought us closer together."

"The car didn't break down, you got us stuck in a mud rut, when you decided we should go down to that old farm for the week in July." Kalie points out, grabbing her make-up bag and starting on my face.

"Hey," I whine, "Admit you had fun, that week was Ahh-mazing."

"Yes, It was. But," Kalie interrupts,"Be still. How do I do make-up on someone who doesn't know the importance of not moving?" She mumbles the last sentence, but her mouth is like right in my face, so I can hear everything she's saying.

"Psh. I know the importance of not mov-"

"Shut up! I'm trying to do your lips." Kalie scolds, without even looking up from her work.

She's completely focused.

I sigh and just sit still for the rest of time it takes for them to complete their masterpieces.

"Done!" Kalie yells, right as Nickie cries out; "Finished!" They both smirk at each other and then look down at me.

"You look so beautiful, Vannah!" Kalie tells me, and I look to the mirror.

Nickie is smiling at me through it and I look at myself. The girl looks like an older, more mature version of me. Her blonde curls are tamed (for once) and are pulled up into a braided updo. Her normally light green eyes are accentuated with the light dusting of white eye shadow, which is stark constrast against the black eyeliner. They look as if they're glowing. Her naturally in between pale and tan face, is borderline tan, which is just what I needed.

I check the time when I'm done admiring their work, and see that it is roughly seven fifty, and we have roughly forty minutes to get everyone else ready.

Over the next twenty minutes, we laugh and reminisce on old memories, as well as finish off eachothers looks and get dressed. With about fifteen minutes left until the party officially starts, I add jewelry to my outfit, and look a myself in the mirror, and the other girls.

Kalie is wearing a santa dress, one that is red with the white fluff at the hems, and a black belt around her waist, with a red hat. Nickie is wearing a green version of the dress Kalie is, along with the green hat. Kalie's shoes are different than Nickie's, however. Kalie's shoes are short ankle combat boots with a thick work boot type sole. While Nickie is wearing basic black flats with a santa bow on the toe. I, am wearing something pretty much the opposite. My dress is red, with a defined waistline, and the skirt of it has pleats. It's sleeveless, with two pleats travelling up the neckline and stopping where the black fur neckline starts. It's about two inches wide. It's pretty conservative, covering all my womanly parts well. It goes to about mid thigh, maybe a little higher.

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