Chapter 8

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He had beautiful eyes

They were the kind you could get lost in

And I guess I did


I woke up the sound of banging. It was as if pots and pans were being smashed together repeatedly.

I sit up and look around. Nope nothing unusual or out of the ordinary.


What's on my leg?

To be completely honest with you, I have no idea how this happened.

So last night before we went to sleep, our beds were all on the floor. It was West and Andrew on the outside of us girls and then Dylan was sleeping diagnol at our feet. So in order from left to right it went, West, Me, Kalie, Nickie, and then Andrew. At our feet would be Dylan, horizontal as always.

So how we ended up like this is beyond me.

I'm laying on top of Kalie. But my face isn't where hers is, no. My head is on top of West's chest, while my stomach is lying on Kalie's stomach and the rest of my body stretches across Andrew and Nickie. And Andrew's arm is the mysterious beast on my leg.

Still haven't figured out the banging sound though.

So I roll over and pick myself up, trying really hard not to kneel on anyone's body parts or limbs.

I walk over to the kitchen and see Dylan quite literally, smashing our neon yellow kitchenware together.

I don't know what to say. I mean, I'm speechless.

I just sigh and walk over to him and gently pry the handles of my metalware out of his grasp.

Sighing, yet again, I make my way to the fridge and get out some supplies for pancakes.

Now with Dylan still standing right there, it's pretty hard to do alot because he's in the middle of the kitchen and I'm constantly moving around.

Some time during making the mix Dylan walks up to me and insists that he helps because 'I'm a woman and we aren't supposed to do all the work'.

Let me tell you something, Dylan cannot, no matter what circumstances, cook. Even if it's as simple as pouring pancake batter into a pan he can't do it.

So it's pretty obvious what happened to the kitchen.

I'm covered in flour because someone decided it would be a good idea to drop it on my head because they were taller than me.

If the amount of profanity especially being screamed at him didn't wake everyone else up then I'm sure when I "accidentally" dropped a pan on Dylan' toe his screaming would.

Somehow, I don't know, Dylan managed to get batter on the couch.

We weren't even in the living room.

After breakfast was served and everyone ate, we decided that maybe white wasn't the best hair color for me so I took a shower and got dressed.

After About an hour of just lounging around, this took place.

"Hey let's go to the mall!" Kalie all but shrieks.

Andrew, Dylan, West and I all simultaneously groan.

It's not that I don't like the mall, no I do, I just don't like the people that go there on Saturdays. Or any day of the week. That's why my clothes are ordered online and the boys mom buys them clothes.

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