Chapter 14

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I was hoping I could post this layer, but it's cool. You guy earned this😊 I'd like to remind everyone that I totally understand if your having any issues in your life and I'm always, always here to talk to anyone. So please feel free to private message me for any reason, just to vent to someone about your problems or rant because life is hard. I promise I won't judge you. And I won't pretend to understand because most of the time I haven't gone through what you have, but I will try to help. So please confide in me, I will always answer.

After a full weekend at the beach, we depart for my house.

It's now Sunday, and 10:00 in the morning, and we're all loaded in the car. Dacey And Rory called a car, so now not all of us are smushed together.

Braxton and I, Dylan, Andrew, and West are all in the SUV. Andrew and West are in the very back in the foldable seats, and Dylan is in the backseat and Braxton is driving with me in the passenger seat.

Rory is following us in the car he called here.

I slept for the whole ride, Braxton holding my hand the whole time.

How he drives with one hand and doesn't kill us all is beyond me.

But he's doing it so I'm okay.

I wake up about ten minutes before we arrive and get the sudden urge to pee everywhere.

Alright. Hold up.
I can hold it.

I keep shifting my seat to try to ease my bladder, but all its doing is making Braxton look at me like I have butt issues.

He raises a perfect eyebrow at me, "What are you doing?".

"I have to pee. Badly. So.. I'm trying not to stain the seat." I tell him with a very lady like smile.

He bursts out laughing at my statement and assures me that we're almost there.

I get a call a minute later from my Grandma, luckily I warned her about bringing Dacey and Rory or she would be really mad at me.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yes, Grandma. Grandma no! We're a couple minutes away. Please stop." I groan the last part because she kept asking how my 'Hunk' was doing. (talking about Braxton)

Braxton laughs at my discomfort as Grandma scolds me because she heard my hand slap his attractive face.

"Babe." He tells me as he looks away from the road at me with puppy dog eyes.

I narrow my eyes at him, challenging him.

"Could you guys just kiss already? The way your staring at each other is creeping me out." Dylan tells us as he smacks the back of my seat.

"Bye grandma!" I yell as I quickly hang up, trying to stop the flow of words from going to my grandmothers ears.

Braxton laughs at me and let's go of my hand to run his through his hair, and then grabs it back. It seems natural now, holding hands.

"Could you stop?" I tell Andrew because he's constantly kicking the back of my seat.

"Are we there yet?!" He screams in response.

Braxton leans over the center console, and whispers in my ear, "I feel like we're on a road trip with our kids. They act so immature and we're the parents." He tells me with a chuckle.

I laugh along with him, but inside I'm freaking out.

Did he just talk about our future? Did he just say that he feels like we're parents? Does this mean something?

'Probably not. He was just making a joke.', The more reasonable side of me thinks.

I sigh as we pull into my drive way, getting a questioning look from Braxton.

I just get out, grab the bags and go inside up to my room.

I toss my bags onto my teal bed and walk back out into the hallway.

I laugh emotionlessly at every joke told for the next couple hours, and fake smile all thinking about if Braxton sees a future with me. What if he doesn't? What if in a couple months he decides I'm not interesting enough? What if I'm not as spontaneous or revealing as he wants me to be? God. I'm so insecure, I seriously hate it.

I go up to my bedroom, and walk into the ensuite. I wipe my make up off and change into some spandex and a 'Pink' crop top. I walk back into my room, moping.

Well I try, but on the way through the doorway I smack my body off of someone else's, who reaches to steady me when I wobble backwards.

"Whoa. You alright Vannah?" Braxton asks me as he raises an eyebrow.

"Yup. Where's everyone else?" I ask him with a fake smile, honestly not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Van you don't have to lie to me. Just tell me what's up. And Rory and Dacey just went up to their rooms on the third floor, and I think everyone else left. I honestly don't care about them, so tell me why your sighing so much." He tells me as he pushes me back into my room, picks me up like a teddy bear, and sits down on the bed with me sitting bridal style on his lap.

I just sit there motionless in his lap.

He sighs, "Princess, you have to tell me what's wrong."

"Just feeling pretty insecure."

"Why's that?", He asks as he threads his hands through my hair.

"Reasons." I tell him.

He sighs again and I feel bad because I'm hurting him by not telling him why.

He kisses my forehead and I decide to tell him.

"What if you get bored? Or what if you want to.. You know, and I'm not ready? Cause I'm telling you now, I don't know when or if I'll be ready. I mean obviously were gonna end up doing it eventually, if we're even together by that time. I'm just-" I start off with one big breath.

"Sav, breathe baby. I'm not going to get bored with you.", He chuckles,"And I find it really cute that your a virgin by the way. Your so innocent. And Vannah.... I'm not going to pressure you into it, I'll wait because, well, I'm a virgin too." He tells me and he positions me so I'm hugging him now, with my legs wrapped around his torso. He doesn't meet my eyes so I cup his face.


"Your a virgin?" I ask softly.

"Um. Yes?" He tells me but it comes out as a question.

"But I thought you were a player? Haven't you gone all the way with all those girls?"

"No," He smirks, "I'm a virgin, I've only made out with girls and stuff, they just make up stuff and I don't really care so I don't deny it." He tells me with a shrug.

"Oh." I say softly as I look down at the comforter of my bed.

He chuckles and tightens his grip on my legs.

I gasp, because well he has a tight grip and my legs are muscular from all the training I do so I could feel it alot.

"Dang, Sav." He tells me right before he wraps my legs around his waist and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and burying his head in my neck.

"Braxton." I moan as he bites my ear.

(This is too much)


And we spend the night on my bed, just laying in each other's arms, nothing more, nothing less.

1,500 reads and 25 votes for the next chapter to be posted!😘

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