"That's a bit weird...oh well."

I shrugged and put the ribbon in my hair and walked out. Flowey was on top of the piano and seemed to be thinking, I went to him and held out my hand for him to climb onto.

"What?" He asked.

"Do you wanna climb back onto my arm so we can travel together again?" I questioned.

"Oh, uh, right!" He replied as he climbed back onto my arm.

Like before he climbed onto my arm and went underneath my hoodie like before and held onto me. Then I made my way to where I got the umbrella, and grabbed another one and opened it and walked through the rain. We ended up getting to a place where there was another trash can for umbrellas.

"I guess this is where we put it back." I commented as I put the umbrella into the can.

There was a small cliff that seemed to be the only way to really go. I sighed and got an idea, I took off my jacket real quickly and looked at Flowey.

"Why did you take off your jacket? Won't people see me??" He asked slightly panicked.

"Don't worry. I have an idea, just go at the top of the cliff, I'll toss you my jacket and I'll use one of the sleeves as a rope and then I'll put it back on and you can go back on my arm. Sound like a plan?"

He seemed to think for a bit before nodding and getting off of my arm and going into the ground. Which I soon saw him appear on the small ledge above me, I smiled and tossed my hoodie up to Flowey.

"Just make sure to hurry." The golden flower ordered in annoyance.

"Got it. I'll do my best!" I agreed.

Flowey held onto one of my sleeves with his mouth and tossed the rest of the jacket down so I could climb up it. I grabbed onto the sleeve and steadied my footing on the ledge and carefully climbed up. Thankfully the ledge wasn't too high, and it didn't take long to get up, so I got to the top relatively quickly.

"There, that was easy."

Flowey spit the sleeve of my hoodie and sighed.

"Could we go now? The longer we stay still, the farther away your friend gets." The flower made a fair point.

"Oh my goodness you're right! Let's go!"

I grabbed my hoodie and put it back on, and Flowey climbed back onto my shoulder and put his vines underneath my hoodie like before. Smiling, I continued going forward and saw more writing on the wall.

'Oh! More story!'

-Second P.O.V.-

You read the two writings on the wall of the very short corridor you were in.

"The humans, afraid of our power, declared war on us. They attacked suddenly, and without mercy."

"In the end, it could hardly be called a war. United, the humans were too powerful, and us monsters, too weak. Not a single SOUL was taken, and countless monsters were turned to dust..."

"Man...humans kind of suck don't they?" You asked out loud.

"But you're a human, and isn't your friend a human as well??" Flowey questioned you.

"I'm kind of apart of the bad ones, I think. Frisk though is sweet, they're good. They couldn't hurt a fly, let alone an actual person." You explained a little.

"How are you bad?" Flowey asked in confusion as he raised an eyebrow at you.

You stayed quiet and just continued walking, and went onto a dock. Flowey, although confused, stayed quiet, and didn't question anymore, at least for now. As you walked down the dock like bride, something blue lit up underneath your foot. Both you and Flowey looked down at it, before Flowey immediately recognized it.

"(Y/N) RUN!" He yelled.

To which, out of shock and instinct, you did, as you looked back, you saw multiple spears shoot through the floors and you screamed as you ran to try to get away.

You're different {A Flowey x Reader story}Where stories live. Discover now