The little girl nodded in an amazing  rapid speed. "Mhm I'm ready." You nodded and told ahold of her hand. "Great let's go!" You were walking to the door but forgot something.

"Wait a second. Eri do you know where your daddy keeps the key's to lock the house?" You asked the little girl who glazed up at you, confused.

"What key's?" She tapped her chin as she questioned. "You know. The key's that makes the door lock. Your daddy uses some right?" Because if he doesn't that wouldn't be safe. You thought trying to track them down around the house.

"Oh those things. Dad keeps them in his office room. All the way in the back." Eri tugged on your pants and pointed to the dark surrounded area.

But that place. He said it was forbidden. And he meant it. You thought solid frozen still.

He wasn't the man to joke around and be a prankster. This was going to be a secret spy mission.

"Are you sure it's back there Eri?" You asked the little girl again not wanting to know the truth.

Eri nodded and sorta pushed you in the direction towards Kai's secret room. You gulped.

"I guess I need to go if we want to leave. Wait here Eri." You sat the girl down on the couch hoping she would stay.

Just luck, Eri got distracted with her feet. You let out a relieved sigh.

Why am I so scared? You thought approaching the pitch black room. How does he even see over here? Your hands tried to touch whatever was visible to not fall.

Your body stopped when your hand touched a cold doorknob. Shivers flew down your ears and spine.

"Come on Y/n you can do this. It's just a few key's. In and out. That's it." You attempted to calm yourself down.

You were about to open the door but your foot touched something on the ground.

"What's that?!" You jumped and let go of the knob. Your body flew back and hit a wall causing you to fall on your butt.

You rubbed your head and inspected the thing that lie on the ground.

It was shiny and had a circle around it. You gulped and reached forward, eyeballs closed.

Once you touched them you picked the thing up. Please don't be a human body part. You begged in your head.

Eye's now open you saw the thing in your hand. The keys!

Immediately you ran and retreated back to Eri. "Alright let's go Eri hurry now!" You said still scared from the early events.

Door shut and locked you two went for ice cream.


"Hari quit bombing my phone with notifications." Kai had arrived at his base. "Finally you're here!" Hari turned around in his spinning chair.

"Yes I can see that I am. Why am I here?" He asked annoyed. "What's a nice way to tell my boss I want to smack him in the head with a chair?" Hari smirked.

Kai resisted the urge to slap him. "Just answer the question." He said rubbing his temple. "Joi left to find more files. He also said he would stop at the bank." Kai made a tch sound.

"Classic, but dumb. Any news on Y/n?" He asked searching on the device. "I found out that she was a male not female." Kai's orbs twitched.

"That's bullshit. Where did you learn that?" He asked angrily. "Wikipedia the most reliable source- of course it isn't true! We haven't found anything important, other than that paper."

Hari spoke pointing at the criminal file. Kai sighed. "It's better than nothing. We need more though." Kai said looking at the computer.

He placed his bird mask down for more air. Under it was still a black mask covering his face.

Hari got closer to his bird mask and eyed it with glory. "Don't breathe on that, it's expensive." The male spoke fixing the gloves he had on. "Ugh why can't I just be your favorite co worker. Or partner, person maybe?" Hari smirked with a teasing tone.

"You're never my favorite person anyday or ever." The two kept bickering before Joi had arrived in a fast walking pace.

"I found files!" The caused the two males to turn. "Their burned." Joi spoke once more, placing them on the table by Kai.

The files were burned yes. But not all the way, just a few missing letters on the file.

Kai smirked in his mask. "We'll make due." Now showing just a tiny but of emotion other than being stotic.

That emotion appeared to be determined, and sadistic.

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