Chapter Fourteen: To the Auction Party

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Koeun is a goddess. Period.

Dedicated to:
cosmic_shu kaawltn httphyuu


Before everyone knew it, the day of the auction finally came, and it was time for the joined forces to execute their first side mission.

During the morning, everyone was called towards the dining area to spend the hours discussing the plan for the operation Mark and Lucas had devised the night before. The IT geniuses, Renjun and Hendery, had also played a role in it, providing information the leaders needed.

Both boys carefully explained how the stakeout would go to the rest. Each of them was given different roles that could be done by partners and instructions on what to do. And when the meeting was adjourned, they went to their separate ways to work on it.

Now, it was nighttime— two hours before the start of the auction party. And they were gearing up... in a fancy way.

Most of them were in the living area as they get into their suits and disguises. They were scattered around, minding their own businesses as they waited for the girls until Jaemin noticed Jeno arriving in the scene. "Hey, Jeno."

Jeno, who approached the table Jaemin was leaning against, grabbed one of the neckties lying on top. "Yes?"

Jaemin was unto cuffing one sleeve of his white collared shirt. "How are you doing?" It had been days since the last time he asked him that.

Jeno slightly cocked an eyebrow before letting the loose necktie wrap around his neck. "I'm fine." He knew why he would ask him that.

"Are you sure?" Jaemin moved to cuff the other. "I mean, are you sure about this?" Knowing about his best buddy's past with one of their targets, he was unsure if Jeno could handle it.

He remembered the first time he revealed about seeing his mentor again, and that was during the night after the ambush.

"You look shaken up. What's wrong?" Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed Jeno's expression.

Jeno gave him a hesitant look first before he decided to tell the truth. "Do you remember the mentor I told you about before?"

"Yeah. What about him?"

Jeno looked away to gaze outside the window, the troubled expression remaining in his face. "I saw him today." Then he glanced at Jaemin. "And I fought with him."

By this time, Jeno had just pulled down the tie to tighten the knot, finishing it. "Even if I answered that question, you know I don't have a choice but to do this."

Right. Jaemin could only bite the insides of his cheek as he watched him prepare one of the pistols. He could see the determination Jeno had. He knew the boy wanted to settle things between him and Yuta, even if it involved risking his life.

He let out a short sigh and proceeded to fix his bowtie.

Jeno went silent after his small talk with Jaemin but continued to fill his gun's magazine with bullets absentmindedly. His thoughts drifted to his mentor as much as he tried not to. He was about to meet him again and God knows what would happen during the mission.

He was also contemplating telling Jaemin about a certain detail that was bothering him these past few days. But he knew the boy deserved to know.


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