Chapter Thirteen: Cooking Partners

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Dedicated to:
day202 koeuncult cizycisia


Later that day, the joined teams had their flight towards China, and by the time they landed on a private site, the sun was already setting.

Chief Moon provided two civil helicopters for them for their sudden trip. The girls boarded one along with Lucas, Renjun, Jaemin and Chenle while the remaining ones were in the other. The arrangement wasn't everyone's choice but Koeun thought it was better to keep Lucas and Mark away from each other for now.

She figured her partner was more against the decision of joining forces with the X-Force than before.

Once the helicopters' whirring began to die down, along with the spinning of the blades slowing down, they prepared to disembark the two aircraft. Koeun was the first one to get out in her group, letting out a sigh once her feet touched the cemented ground. Her eyes eventually caught sight of the other team in the distance, who was also doing the same.

"Does this bring you nostalgia?" A voice suddenly spoke.

Koeun averted her attention towards the person who joined her side and, in an instant, a small smile made its way to her lips. "A bit. How about you?"

"Same thing." Renjun found himself returning the smile. "But I'm more on the delighted side."

Her forehead slightly creased. "How so?"

"Well, even though the memories you shared with us while being in this country weren't exactly what you looked up to, it was worth remembering." Was his response. "This was where you showed improvement."

"All thanks to you." The girl made eye contact with him.

She recalled past events during her stay with the boys. Renjun had always been there to guide her through the days. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have realized that they were not what she thought of.

The silence in between them lasted for a second before Renjun spoke again. "Do you remember the first time Mark told us about including you in our mission?"

His unexpected question almost made her taken aback. "I do." Who wouldn't?

It would be impossible for Koeun to forget. Her emotions were on top during that time.

"The rest of us were against the idea but look at us now. We're about to execute another mission with you." Renjun let out a sigh after. "We would've lost hope when you failed on the first day if it wasn't for Mark."


"Mark?" She blurted out, confused. "Why? What did he do?"

But before Renjun could answer, they were interrupted by the sound of car doors shutting consecutively. Both of them turned to watch several men in suits got out of the black cars parked meters away, but what got their attention was the older Chinese man that was walking towards Mark, who was about to meet him halfway.

"Mark Lee," The old man addressed in Korean, offering his hand. "we meet again."

Mark took his hand for a shake, his head slightly bowing at him. "It's been a while, sir. Thank you for meeting us here."

"Well, you called me that you need my aid." The two broke contact. "I am here for it."

Koeun couldn't contain her curiosity any longer so she decided to ask Renjun in a whisper. "Who is he?"

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