Chapter Twelve: Spitting Lies

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It seemed like everyone was affected by the whole stunt the perpetrators had done last night, even the Elites, who had no personal grudge against them.

Who wouldn't? After all, the information they had broadcasted all over the nation was big news.

No one expected it at all. Not even Renjun himself. So when the X-Force had arrived at the department's meeting room once again, the Elites' indistinct conversation was abruptly interrupted.

Koeun whipped her head as soon as she heard the door opened and her eyes immediately caught up with the boys by the entrance. They stopped in their tracks upon seeing the Elites looking at them— or at least, to one of them.

The girl's eyes softened when she noticed the boy's glum expression. "Renjun..." She said in a low, soft voice.

It even hurts her to see him in this state.

A moment later, someone else had entered the room, speaking when he noticed everyone was already in the room. "I see, everyone's already here." This made Chief Moon nod, pleased. "We'll begin the discussion immediately."

While the chief strode towards his seat at the head of the table, the others snapped back to reality and did the same. As usual, the west side was taken by the Elites and the X-Force sat across them. Instead of Haechan— being the second leader of the group— Renjun took the one next to Mark.

When the chief settled down, with his hands clasped together on top of the wooden table, he began the meeting. "I'm sure all of you are already aware of the broadcast last night. Otherwise, I wouldn't have called you today for an urgent meeting."

In her peripheral vision, Koeun noticed Renjun, who was sitting across her, glancing down.

"Lucas, what are your findings about it?"

Lucas, who was sitting next to Koeun, propped his arms on the table, causing him to slightly lean forward. "According to my inquiry with the network earlier this morning, a person broke into the production control room and took over the system." He began. "The network's channel had an interruption that led to the broadcast of the expose video, which happened exactly at midnight. The culprit must've chosen that time seeing that the place was expected to have fewer workers."

"Have they identified the person?" Mark decided to join in, growing curious and concerned about who did it.

It couldn't be her, could it?

"Unfortunately, no," This made Mark sigh. "although the surveillance camera that was installed on the hallway captured the intruder, which was a man."

Mark was unsure whether the sigh was of frustration or relief.

"Also, he wasn't alone." Lucas added. "People in the security room were found knocked out. It seems like he came with a small group and escaped with them soon after."

A small group... Mark slightly narrowed his eyes at this.

"Any evidence found in the scene?" Asked by the chief.

"There was nothing."

"Did they find anything else that was noteworthy?" Mark had asked again, feeling a hint of hope inside of him.

Lucas gave him a good look before replying. "Actually, there is." He told him. "All of them were men."

Mark only nodded at this while leaning back against his seat, seemed to be satisfied by his answers. And Lucas noticed this.

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