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Honoka Kousaka the energetic leader of Muse had a little fallout with her childhood friend Kotori Minami. This lead to her temporarily quit being a school idol. To ease her sadness, Hideko, Fumiko, and Mika take Honoka along with them to the arcade. While playing a dance simulation game. Honoka misses the first few steps. So when the others told her that the game has started already. She quickly gets to her senses and starts dancing eventually beating Mika in the end.

After the little fun in the arcade. She passes by the shrine and gets surprised to see Rin, Hanayo, and Nico training. She casually asks them about what they are doing there.

Honoka: What are you girls doing here?

Nico: Training. What else?

Honoka: But we already put our idol activities on hold after what happened to me. Right?

Nico: Well it's better to be prepared just in case we need to perform again.

Honoka: Well good luck with your training.

Nico: You're not really sure about quitting being a school idol are you?

Honoka: I can't answer that right now. I'm sorry......

Hanayo: Honoka-chan......

As Honoka walks away from the trio. She feels a sudden guilt for lying to Nico. She could have answered the truth but she can't do it. Something is holding her back. And that is the petty misunderstanding between her and Kotori. With the latter now deciding to accept the invitation to study abroad. Honoka feels that if she were to try and get back to being a school idol. And bringing back all the other members of Muse together. It wouldn't be the same thing without their chief costume maker.

But all that changed after heart to heart talk with then student council president Eli Ayase. The half Russian half Japanese girl lamented to Honoka on how she wants to be in the spotlight. Yet she always ends up getting rejected. This made her into a cold hearted person before meeting Nozomi Tojo. Even she and Nozomi are friends or possibly more than that. She wanted to save Otonokizaka from being closed down in her own way. In the end it was Honoka's idea that prevailed and eventually saved the school. The following morning she's back in school. Back in the auditorium where they first performed as a three member group. Umi finds her standing in the middle of the stage. She decides to have a heart to heart talk with the ginger.

Umi: I knew that I would find you here.

Honoka: This place...... This is where we first performed. I have been selfish with you girls. Because of my carelessness and recklessness I faltered. You girls suffered because of me. I swear that I will no longer let anyone suffer because of me.

Umi: I know that. But you're the only one who took the risk of making us do something we never imagined. You took us to places that we've never been. You're our leader Honoka. Lead us once again. Take us to places that we have not gone yet.

Honoka: Umi-chan......

Umi begins to sing the first line of "Susume Tomorrow". Honoka followed suit and simultaneously in the airport specifically the departure area. Kotori is singing as well. As she was about to leave. Honoka grabs her hand and stops her from leaving. The two girls tightly embrace each other like they have never been in contact with each other in a long time.

Time Skip:

Back at the auditorium in Otonokizaka High School. Seven girls are waiting back stage for their two group mates. Minutes later both of them arrive panting and breathing heavily. Honoka then accidentally trips herself. She stumbles to the floor butt first. She automatically picks herself up and talks to her group. They form a circle and begin to count from one to nine. Their fingers are aligned together as if forming a nine pointed star. Then they start counting with the three founders leading the way.

Honoka: Okay let's do this. Ich!

Kotori: Ni!

Umi: San!

Maki: Yon!

Rin: Go!

Hanayo: Roku!

Nico: Nana!

Nozomi: Hachi!

Eli: Kyuu!

The curtains open slowly. The nine girls are greeted by the cheers of the other students. Even their parents and siblings are there to cheer them on. No one could be more happier than Honoka herself. She vowed one day that she will fill the auditorium with people. And now it became a reality. The music starts and once again they sing and dance to the song "Start Dash".

Meanwhile inside the cafeteria of UTX Academy. Three girls are watching the live feed of what they have perceived as their potential rivals. Although all three of them are amazed and awed at the group's choreography. One of them gets starstruck at Muse's leader.

Her eyes focused more on the ginger haired girl

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Her eyes focused more on the ginger haired girl. Her name, Tsubasa Kira the founder and leader of A-RISE. A three member group that took the school idol scene by storm. And the first winner of the Love Live competition. Her eyes remain glued to the girl that she will eventually meet in the coming days. And she and the ginger will feel a spark between them.

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