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W e l c o m e

I have no clue how my Brian worked like icky I'd wait i scent elbertn spells any mor b bye brain is like a big ol rasin raaatlieng inside  and I forgot rgat this evan exist sad I'm nosy
I'm too lazy to correct whatever that is so it's like 11:55 and immma just keep writing till a gel like stopping

Does any one have advice on how to make friend
S ??
I heave like a big fat boy nine only zero
My phone is kinda quirky sometimes
Any ways I lace nook
I have zero fries
I have zero friends
Anyways this idiot
Woah rude I'm tryna spell um isn't but the auto correct wants to call me an ifiooo kinda to of
Roof tops roof
Naaywayd this isn't funny but I'm just might be gillglieng like a little beach
I might be kind a Krazy but I will ñ ever satcy a bad word   

Maybe I am an idiot..

I had pasta for dinner
Ate it all up

I chould tart a band Called  .
Funk E  😩🥵
With those emojies
So like who wants a joind
Looking for 5 members and gonna go on tour in October on Halloween and we're gonna dress up as different sauces
I call dibs on honey garlic sauce

I d that ever  a saucer  

To join band u have to be cool and write a 5 paragraph essay on why u think that ur cool

Did Iu know that when I was in 8 grad e I used to wrap Hamilton in front of my class
I really thought I was cool I die a little thinking about it  
I memever reading Hamilton college AU fanfics.  Kinda nasty not gonna lie

Oop my pond is arc 20 I can't find the percent guy so  deeel wif it  it itm no e
Currently 12:21 kind a fresh

I'm contemplating shaving my head but like dunno if a should or not

Am I the only one that thinks Jim Carrey is terrifying? Like sometimes I can't sleep cause I think he might get me or be standing in the doorway of my room at three am. Maybe I'm just being overdramatic.

Imma vent real quick

Sometimes I feel like I can't do anything like when someone is sad or not feeling mentally well or something. I never really know what to say cause I really want to make them happy but I always just sit there for like 20 min thinking of something to say but it always feeels like it's not enough and I don't want to end up loosing anyone cause I was stupid and couldn't comfort them.

Well now that that's out of the way...

Some times I like to go on pet finder and look for funny named animals or just disturbed looking ones
Sooo here are my personal favourites

 Some times I like to go on pet finder and look for funny named animals or just disturbed looking ones Sooo here are my personal favourites

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Made that one me self

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Made that one me self

Made that one me self

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Thanks for coming to my teD talk

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Thanks for coming to my teD talk


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