Chapter 1: Passing out

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"Shut it off," I groan. I reach for my phone on top of my desk, only to fall out of bed.

Ouch. That hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. I smirk. I'm the funniest person ever... obviously.

The annoying beeping sound is still playing while I get up off the ground. I grab my phone and turn the alarm off.

I walk over to my closet and pull out my white button up shirt and black pants. I work at a small coffee shop downtown that's a popular hangout spot for teens.

I walk to the bathroom and turn the shower on. I wait until it's warm enough until I jump in. After I'm done I get out and blow dry my hair. I change into my uniform and look at myself in the mirror. I sigh, pulling my blue hair into a messy ponytail. Yes, blue hair. Crazy right? I put on some mascara, and brush my teeth. I walk downstairs to my brother eating some scrambled eggs.

"Gee, thanks for making me some," I roll my eyes. He just laughs at me and chews obnoxiously in front of me. I groan.

"Morning Baylee!" he laughs again. Trying to annoy me even more. I roll my eyes, yet again at him. I walk to the cabinet and grab the bread. I put it in the toaster and wait for it to cook.


The toast pops up, and I put it on a plate. I grab the butter and a knife and spread it on the bread. I put the toast on a napkin and start walking to the door.

"Bye Austin! Don't burn the apartment down," I yell as I put on my shoes.

"Yeah, yeah," he replies, still eating his eggs. He's always been a slow eater. And I mean really slow.

I walk out and walk to my car. I get in and start it up. I start to pull out as a car speeds right behind me.

"Jesus," I mumble. "Don't people know how to drive?"


I pull into the employee lot and park my car. I get out and walk towards the back door. I open it and start getting ready. I put my apron, my mask, and my gloves on. Thankfully, I didn't open so I don't have to set anything up.

I start working normally, serving costumers, making coffee, dealing with annoying kids. I was serving a regular here, Beth, and I start to feel woozy. My head hurts, the world is spinning, and my vision's getting dark.

"Help," I manage to get out before falling to the ground.

A/N: Hi! It's me. Now, I'm not really sure how the hospital does things for COVID. I'm going off what I think happens, but if you somehow know, please give me tips. I hope you're enjoying the story so far, and I'm having fun writing it.

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