Chapt 1.B

23 7 26

An hour and a half passed very hard.  Nayna with her stiff face, pursed her full lips which now feels dry, looked away from the girl in a tight uniform who was now trying to tease the Xormy members with a wobbling gesture of her chest.  The teaser girl slowly disappeared, unbuttoned her shirt a little more then left with an unresolved goal.

Nayna stepped forward with a very tired face, her tired eyes trying to open after her brain was filled with very quick memorization  to do while standing, along the queue.

"Give them a question and produce a story for me!"  the woman on the other side of the telephone realized her now.

Sitting upright and dignified, Charl shook his hand as if they were very close friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time.  Nayna nodded obediently when Charl showed her proper standing position.
A book gradually from Nayna's slender hand on the table in the eyes of the members now tapped the surrounding area with a ballpoint pen.

"What is your name?"  Charl asked, looking for a long time.

"Nayna, just call me Nayna."

"Ah, Nayna!"  Charl screams out his voice, a code for the other members to remember a name, which they think she is one of their fan, who will soon be heading to their area.  Give a proper impression.  "A pretty name.  I like your eyes, "Charl said sincerely.

"So you're a kind of chairman huh?"  Nayna began giving covert interviews.  Charl nodded, scratching a ballpoint pen on Nayna's book.  "So is the chairman's work the thing you've been wanting all this time?"  Nayna continued pretending to be impressed by Charl's authoritative smile.

"Eh," Charl frowned, then resumed the stroke of the questioner.  "It seems so," he said lightly now affixing his stage name under his signature.

"So what kind of chairman's job do you have?  Manage your children, "Nayna glanced at the other members who were looking at her, except for Shawn who still maintained her ignorant attitude.  Dion tried to smile sweetly, but now he looks more like a man who has a devious plan behind the face as soft as his baby.  Nayna shuddered.  "So are you the leader who governs your children or the person in charge of looking after them?"

Charl stiffened to stop his fingers scraping the ballpoint pen.  He just needs to draw the Xormy symbol behind his name, until it stops, maybe like a fixation.

His fierce eyes when arranging the Thray when he went crazy on the stage, now glazed as if sobbing.  His lips opened before returning closed because of confusion.

An answer now in Nayna's pocket led the girl to the front of the Thray's desk who looked nervous when she saw it.

His face is always funny when greeting fans, now frowned after seeing the leader stiffened very seriously at such a relaxing event.  He was anticipating something.

"Which one is better?"  Nayna shakes her body, acts cheerful and happy, "crying when you're happy or laughing when you're sad?"

"Crying when you're happy," said Thray without thinking.  His sighing sounded with a face full of relief he could not stand.

"So you've always been sad huh?"  Nayna asked, hitting Thray's relief.  In an instant he curled up in an awkward head gesture, glancing at Charl who was staring blankly ahead.

Dion was still with his stiff face, reaching for the following book to cast his mysterious look that looked sweet to some people.  He put on a smile that would turn fear into a heart that easily fell in love with someone.

"Have you prepared all those questions?"  Dion smoothed the folds of the book in his hand, staring meaningfully at Nayna.

"Yes, and I have something for you too," Nayna exclaimed, followed by a face full of grace from Dion.  "So what made you decide to become a star if you like simplicity?"

Dion frowned, thinking.  "It's a way to survive in the future simplicity life.  I want to be a farmer first, "whispered Dion followed by a giggle.

"Oh, yes?  So your type is someone who likes soil or seeds, then? "  laughed Nayna, began to be entertained.  That's a real question, not rhetorical.

But Dion only gave a faint smile and nodded.  His body leaned on the chair, staring blankly forward like Charl did.

"Hello my Angel," Joey shook Nayna's hand graciously, smoothing Nayna's hair that was a mess.  "Thank you for taking your time here.  You must be very busy, "Joey said in his soft voice starting to sign.  "Where do you work?"  he continued while giving many smiles.

"A cafe not far from here.  Moon Coffee, a building under a dented lamppost. "

"Oh, surely we will come.  Right, Charl? "
There was no reply from Charl to make Joey look up, then heaved, finding Charl still frozen in his chair.

"I heard you once wanted to be a samurai when you were a kid.  Please write lots of sweet messages here! "  Nayna pointed to the empty space in her book.  Joey nodded.  "Right?  Wow, crazy! "  yipped Naynya, "with that quiet voice I'm sure if your sword hit someone and killed him he would never feel dead.  You can make a lot of people sleep quickly when you sing you know what I mean, right? "  Nayna chuckled again, ignoring Joey's round eyes, which had water on her white skin.

Okay, here's the last one.  With a little upset Nayna snuggled up to the table where Shawn was, which to Nayna looked more like a fairytale prince than a baddas man.  The man looked at Nayna with his eyes entangled.  The girl blinks bored.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"  Nayna thrust her book at Shawn who tried to plunge his charm.

The man in front of her shook his head.  "Never in the slightest."

"So you're afraid to fall in love again?"  Nayna continued beyond Shawn's expectation, who was now gawking in disbelief.  "Eh, please continue to sign!"

Shawn gasped and then followed what was asked by someone he thought was his fan.
"How many times have you broken your heart then?"  Nayna continued expressionlessly.

The neck was pulled with a tired expression on the face of the girl who was now holding a book full of Xormy's members' signatures.  Her tired face was released after she managed to take notes quickly - all the answers to the questions she asked.  A few questions had a lot of impact on the Xormy members who were now stunned, as if they had just been skinned openly.


Hello, i tried to publish same chapter with Bahasa version. Hope you enjoy

You Were Forever (English Version) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora