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Hello everyone, and welcome to "The Car Crash Club." There are a few things I wanted to make known before you start reading:

1) If this looks familiar, that's because I originally posted it on my main account, xgoldenxmaknaex. However, since I have all my other MX fan fiction on this account, I wanted to publish it here as well. It's likely that at some point in the future, I will unpublish it from my other account and only leave it up here.

2) This book contains some disturbing content, a topic considerably more troubling than other stories I've written. When I was originally publishing this story on my other account, I didn't know when I started writing the book that it would contain this subplot. In fact, we were pretty much halfway through the book before I realized that I could (and wanted to) add it in. So, those initial readers weren't originally aware of what direction the book would go in. On one hand, that made the plot twist more genuine, but I've deemed your mental health as readers more important than the effectiveness of my work.

Please please please note that this story contains implications of child grooming and sexual abuse. Do not start reading this work if you're not comfortable.

I will add as a small caveat that there are no sexual scenes portrayed in graphic detail, but some vague language is used to imply what's happening at times, and there is a scene portraying semi-graphic violence. I underwent a relatively thorough research process before writing about this topic, and this story is a result of my best attempt at preserving the accuracy of the victim's struggle in this regard.

Additionally, while I don't believe it's possible to get this interpretation from my work, I want to very clearly tell you right now that I do not and will not romanticize the process of child grooming, sexual abuse, or pedophilia. I stand against these things very firmly, and I'm still working on another book that echoes that sentiment. I've seen and heard of many disturbing fan fictions, but understand that this is not a love story; it's a horror story.

3) At the end of the work, I'll include some tidbits from my research to clarify any liberties I took with my story and how they may diverge from my research conclusions.

Thank you, and happy (although I don't think that's quite possible) reading!

Car Crash Club • Monsta XTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon