Pearl X Noble!Reader (The Game)

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(A/N: I still haven't gotten any requests yet, so I'm just writing more random things that come to mind. Also, if you just want to tell me a character to write, I can come up with an idea from there. Thank you so much for the 200+ reads and the votes! Hope you enjoy this new story! This takes place during the Human Zoo Arch.)

"Heh, look. He believed me."

I walked with my assistant, Holly Blue. I had been running the Human Zoo since my Diamond, Pink Diamond was shattered. Though a small part of me doubts that she was actually shattered. Back when it was her job to colonize earth, she wanted to spare the planet. Then a rebellion broke out, and next thing we know, she's gone. It all seems a little too convenient.

Granted, being the closest elite to Pink Diamond, I know much more about her then the other Diamonds.

I followed Holly Blue as she yelled at the Amethysts, "What are you doing!?"

The guards snapped to attention, "Nothing, Holly Blue Agate."

I placed my hand on Holly Blue's shoulder, "Calm down Holly. They were just having fun. It's in good memory to play these games."

She saluted, "Of course," She turned to look at our guests, "Why didn't you tell me there was a Sapphire here?! What have you miscreants been saying to them!?"

One of the guards looked down, "Nothing, Holly."

Holly Blue turned to the Sapphire and her crew, "You'll have to forgive them. They're from Earth," Holly looked back to the guards and glared, "Ahem! Apologize."

The guards bowed, "Forgive us!"

I laughed, "I'm sure it's okay. Welcome all to the..." I gritted my teeth slightly, "Human Zoo..!"

The Sapphire spoke in a monotone voice, "No use dwelling on the past. I've brought a new human for the collection."

I finally took time to analyze the group. A single nervous Ruby guard, a young human boy, the blue Sapphire who also looked nervous, an Amethyst guard who looked like she wasn't used to being so big, and finally... a Pearl. Recognition hit me immediately. It's her. Man... She still looked so beautiful.

Holly Blue was still rambling about the zoo, "How unprecedented! Nothing for millennia, and then two humans back-to-back! Well, it's probably for the best, that first one wasn't in... the best condition."

The boy gasped, "Dad! That's him!"

"Ohh, their incessant barking, what is it saying?! *laughs* The other one was loud too, and all that thrashing about. I'm sure Blue Diamond would want to thank you personally, but you just missed her. Amethyst, take this human to the-"

"Wait!" I could tell The Sapphire was coming up with this story on the fly, "The thing is... we've traveled so far, and it would be a shame to leave so quickly. Perhaps you'd grant us a tour of the facility?"

"I would be honored! Right this way, your Grand Clarity," Holly Blue let the others though, but held the Amethyst at the door, "Amethysts are to stay and guard the door."

"Uhh, but-"

"The door."

Holly Blue led them, with me in the lead.

Holly glared at the Pearl, "Does your Pearl always walk next to you?"

She laughed nervously and backed away, "I'll just be right here."

"Hmm. Chatty," The Pearl blushed as Holly began her lecture, "This facility originally belonged to Pink Diamond and houses and staffs the, otherwise useless, Quartz that she produced and what was her colony. But Blue Diamond and her trusted Agate; that's me, have been maintaining this place since the dawn of Era 2. Though the main leadership of the facility has been trusted to-"

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