“Yo, boss! There you are!” Xiaobo greeted excitedly as he spotted Lin Yi, waving his had in the air.

“What’re you doing, waving your hand like that? You think you’re a president or something?” LIn Yi said with a smile, giving a soft kick to Xiaobo before seating himself at his table.

“You know, boss, Zhong Pinliang’s been really quiet today! He didn’t even do anything to me when you weren’t here!”

“Isn’t that good?” Lin Yi said. “Anything happen today?”

“Nope. The school gave a brief announcement about the whole incident, saying that there were just some thugs looking for trouble, and that they’d been sent to the police station already.” Xiaobo reported. “Fuck! It’s all because of Zhong Pinliang’s family, the school’s protecting him! Everyone else knows he’s the one who brought the gangsters in!”

“Hm…” Lin Yi had heard from Li Fu earlier that he had an uncle in the Pengzhan Industries board of directors. It made him one of the stockholders of Songshan’s First School, so it wasn’t a surprise that the school would cover for Pinliang.

“Oh, right- Boss, guess what people are calling you right now?” Xiaobo said softly, his voice clearly excited.

“Huh? What?” Lin Yi didn’t know where this was coming from.

“Boss, you’re now one of the Big Four! You’ve replaced Zhong Pinliang as the Third in the BIg Four!!” Kang Xiaobo said excitedly, as if it was something glorious.

“Big Four…?” Lin Yi went cold at the news- Big Four?! He’d been trying so hard to lay low all the time, even careful as to not score too high on exams… How the hell did he just become famous like that?

It was something he should be proud of, apparently, judging by how Xiaobo was acting.

“That’s right! Boss, you’ll probably even become the eldest of the BIg Four if you do something big again! You’ll be the First!” Xiaobo addded.

“The First?” Lin Yi was speechless- he’d really rather be the Third if he had to choose.

Yet there wasn’t much Lin yi could do about it- Everyone saw the whole fight yesterday. Heibao Bro was the one who came marching into the school, but no one would think that that was the case; they probably saw Lin Yi as one of those violence-loving delinquents who fought for fun, even destroying Zhong Pinliang the Third! Of course he’d get assigned a title in the Big Four.

The bell for recess rang, interrupting Lin Yi’s conversation with Xiaobo. He wasn’t really pleased with his new title, but that wasn’t for him to decide- people had the freedom to say whatever they wanted, he supposed.

Though, it didn’t seem so bad, looking at it from another perspective- he wouldn’t have as much trouble as Mengyao’s bodyguard with the title. People wouldn’t even think of messing with him at this point.

Last period on Friday was sports, and the students were allowed to choose between remaining in class to study or go out for some exercise. It was a weekly tradition for some time to relax.

Even the most hardcore of nerds found time to take a break during that period, taking a walk around school and shopping for some accessories or food, for instance.

Mengyao and Yushu left the classroom together, followed by Zhong Pinliang, who motioned to his two followers as he stood up. He’d lost the battle to Lin Yi, but chasing after Mengyao was another thing entirely- he’d wanted to see if he could give a good impression to her this time around.

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*[Long Taos]: side characters in Chinese operas who perform acrobatics and fight scenes

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