S1 - Chapter 7

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Leaving Alex alone at home was a pretty daring move but I trusted him. Even if he did try to escape, I'd most certainly find him and lock him up until I was sure he wouldn't betray me again. Nala probably wouldn't be too thrilled about my idea but I was confident - and something told me Alex wasn't going to leave.

I pushed my cart around Ito Yokado, deep in thought. I couldn't wait to meet up with Nala again. Not today though, I didn't want to leave Alex alone for too long. I wondered what he was doing... Maybe watching TV, reading some of the books in the little library in the living room?

I grabbed the rest of the ingredients I had on my shopping list and headed towards the cashier. I didn't have too much a problem with money, even though I lived alone at the age of seventeen. I worked as a waitress and even though my shift was every night, I only came when I had nothing better to do. Still, the pay was surprisingly good and the tips I got were nothing compared to the ones my co-workers got. For some strange reason, I earned about three times as much as the other waitresses - I was pretty positive it was because the manager was terrified of me and suspected me for the occasional murders here and there. But he was too much of a coward to do anything about it, so he just paid me more, hoping that would stop his name from getting on my kill list.

I never took him seriously. No matter how much money he gave me, I wouldn't hesitate to kill him if he ever put Alex in any sort of danger. I wondered how Nala was doing. Pulling my phone out, I sent Alex the tenth text this day, asking if he was alright. I didn't care if someone thought it was annoying, I had to protect him at all times. I stared at my phone and after a few seconds, I got a reply from him that everything was alright and to come home as soon as I was done.

Come home as soon as I was done? I frowned and quickly stuffed the bags of groceries into the trunk of my car. I pulled out of the parking lot and into the street. When I made sure no policemen were around, I sent a quick text to Nala, saying we should meet up the day after. Normally, she'd respond within a few minutes... Half an hour later, still nothing.

My car pulled up in the driveway and I hurried inside, leaving the groceries be. The moment I opened the main door, I was hit with the sweet smell of peanut butter and chocolate. I raised an eyebrow and kicked my boots off, making my way to the kitchen.

"Alex?" I turned the corner and slammed right into his back. "Oof!" I yelped, almost falling over, but he spun around at the speed of light and caught me, wrapping one arm around my waist and grabbing my hand with his - It looked like we were in the middle of a tango.

"Alex, what are you doing? Why does it smell like heaven in here?"

"I made cookies." He let go of me and turned around. He'd been stacking the finished results on a plate and after adding the last cookie, it looked like a pyramid. "Oh, that's so cute!" I breathed, kissing his jawline because that was the only part of him I could reach. A light blush spread across Alex's face and he turned to face me, leaving the plate be.

"You think?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and sat me on the kitchen counter. Even like that, he still looked down on me but for once, I didn't mind being the shorter one. I nodded happily and planted a kiss on his lips. Alex kissed me back but didn't try to dominate like in the basement.

I was about to wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss when my phone vibrated. Alex grunted and I sighed, picking it up. "Do you have to answer that?" He groaned but I just waved him off.

"Sakura, what's the matter?" I must have been making a face because he looked worried.

"Eiji got into some kind of trouble with corrupt cops..." I explained, hopping off the kitchen counter. Nala had just texted me, sounding really worried. She was asking for my help saving him.

"Who's Eiji?" Alex asked, sliding his hands into his pockets and tilting his head to the side in curiosity. I sent Nala a reply, then quickly put my phone away, looking up at him.

"My friend Nala is also a... well, yandere and Eiji is her love interest. She's the one who helped me get you here in the first place."

"So, you owe her?"

I shook my head no. "It's not like that, we don't care who owes who. Listen, we have about ten minutes to gather what we need for the rescue mission and then we have to meet with her in front of the police department."


"Yes, she needs all the help she can get." I smirked at him. "This is your chance to prove I can trust you." I added, patting his chest. Alex nodded, gripping my hand.

He didn't look too worried about the whole thing, more like... Expectant and curious about what the plan was going to be and how we were all going to work together. "Don't worry, you can trust Nala." I informed him, hinting he should follow me. Alex obliged and we made our way to my room.

"It's... Nice? And surprisingly big." Alex pointed out. My room was big only because of the giant closet on the side. Apart from that, it looked like a regular bedroom, with a bed, a table, and some accessories but that was pretty much.

I swung the closet door open, revealing dozens of weapons. Knives, axes, swords, guns, rifles, even a chainsaw... Whatever weapon one could think of, it was there in that closet.

"Damn." I could hear Alex chuckle behind me. "This is going to be one hell of a rescue mission."

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