The tour

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Italics= Thoughts (Will change half way)

Bold= Text messages

Today was an exciting day! The New Directions from McKinley High were coming to Dalton Academy and were staying over the night in some extra student dorms. That included Blaine, Kurt, Finn, Rachel, Santana, Artie, Tina, Mr. Schuester, Mercedes, Quinn, and Brittany. The tour was led by Thad, Nick and Jeff. They toured all over, stopping for lunch of course. The last place to tour was the student dorms, where they were staying the night. Thad was in charge of remembering which dorms they were staying in. He wrote it down on a piece of paper but forgot about it. Thad told Niff to continue the tour while he ran to his dorm.

This is where our story starts...

3 rd p.o.v

"Uptown girl

she's been living in her uptown world.

I bet she never had a backstreet guy I bet her mama never told her why " sang Thad under his breath as he walked to his dorm which he shares with the infamous Sebastian Smythe. Yes. THE Sebastian Smythe. The current captain of the warblers. The one who threw a slushie at Blaine Anderson. The one who challenged THE Santana Lopez (r.i.p Naya Rivera) to a duel. The one who flirts with every pretty thing that has a heartbeat. THAT Sebastian. As he walked to his dorm room (debating which was better, Hawaiian or pepperoni pizza), he listened closely to the familiar sounds of Dalton Academy. The students chattering, the sounds of people stressing over homework, the trees rustling and a guitar strumming softl- wait...

A guitar?

It sounded like it was coming from the dorm that he and Sebastian shared which was weird because he didn't leave anything on unless...

Thad's p.o.v

Sebastian wasn't on the tour. He said that he didn't want to see the 'New direction idiots' but I think he feels guilty from everything that has happened. I quietly approach my dorm room and look in. Aha! It was Sebastian! As I looked closer, I could see that he had an acoustic guitar while he was sitting next to the window. He always insisted on sleeping near the window but I never understood why. I personally didn't mind because whenever I was near the window, I feel like it was too cold but Seb was never bothered so I let him be.

As I looked closer, I could see that his face was turned towards the window which was harder for me because I couldn't see his face. Suddenly I saw his right hand lightly strum across the strings on the guitar while his left hand went into different positions. I couldn't recognize the tune so I'm thinking that he might have made this up on the spot. No matter what, it sounds REALLY good.

I should text the Niff to bring the others over. I shouldn't be the only one enjoying this.

I quickly whip out my phone and text Nick

Bring the others over to my dorm and be QUIET. It's something to do with Sebastian

I pocket my phone and wait by the door, listening to the simple strumming that was played by the one and only Sebastian Smythe.

Time skip brought by my friend Bob. Say hi to Bob and wear silver on Nov 28 in memory of this courageous titan. ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ

Nick's p.o.v

As Jeff was waving around to other students and I was making sure that no N.D's got lost or wandered from the group.


I feel a buzz in my pocket and take out my phone to see a new notification from Thad.

Finally! What's taking him so long?

Bring the others over to my dorm and be QUIET. It's something to do with Sebastian

That's weird but ok!

I approach Jeff and lean in to whisper in his ear. "I got a text from Thad. He wants us to go to his dorm. He says it's something to do with Seb" I backed up a bit while he cocked his head to the side and looked confused. I shrugged back with a neutral face on but on the inside, I'm screaming.

Oh my gosh! He looks adorable! Ok Nick. Be calm. Now not the time to fanboy over how cute your boyfriend is. But OMG HE LOOKS SO FRIGGIN' CUTE!

I'm cut off from my thoughts as I hear Jeff "ALRIGHT EVERYBODY! WE'RE GOING TO BE TAKING A SLIGHT DETOUR BUT THEN IT'S BACK TO THE TOUR!" he yelled at what seemed like the top of his lungs. I swear he burst my eardrums since I was next to him but by then, everybody was already moving. I ran to catch up, praying that Seb wasn't in trouble.

Time skip now provided by my dearest Eliza. Please sing 'It's Quiet Uptown' in memory of Philip, her son

Sebastian/Barry's p.o.v

Today was when all the New Directions were coming to stay over at Dalton for a night. Honestly I was a mess. This whole Sebastian Smythe facade was tiring to keep up. My real name wasn't Sebastian Smythe, it was Barry Allen. You've probably heard of the last name Allen. Whatever you've heard it probably not true.

A trip down memory lane

When I was younger, it was a normal night. I was beat up by a group of bullies, got patched up by my mom, spent time with my parents and then got ready for bed. A normal day right? But it wasn't a normal night. It was the middle of the night when I woke up to a scream. I sat up in my bed and looked around. The water in my fish tank was floating and the air felt wrong. I was scared so I went down stairs. BIG mistake. There in the middle of the living room, was my kind, loving mom, being surrounded by what looked like yellow lightning. I remember me screaming to my mom and my dad coming in, screaming at me to get away. It was all a blur. The next thing I know, I'm far away from my house, in the middle of an empty road. I ran back to my house, slowly of course because I was just that slow. I was too slow.

When I get back, there are cop cars everywhere and I see my dad being forced into a cop car, screaming about how he didn't do it. Didn't do what? What happened? What's going on?

When my dad saw me, he was yelling at me not to go into the house. Me being my idiotic self and ignoring tens of people who told me JUST told me to not go into the house, I ran into the house. I saw a few policemen standing around the house, even my friend's dad, who would later become my foster dad. I ran in and he saw me. He tried to stop me. But I ran. Like I told my mom I would.

Where's my mom?

I see a white blanket on the floor. I cautiously approached and peeled back the blanket. There I saw my mother's eyes. My dead mother's eyes. I screamed and the rest was a blur.

Let's go back to the (Future!) present

I was in my dorm alone. Thad was with Niff, leading the tour. I was alone. Good. I crouch next to my bed and pull out a case. My guitar case. My mother taught me. I miss her.

I stand up and sit on my bed and look out to the window. I insisted when I first came here, to have the bed under the window. I'm pretty sure That was confused but I ignored that. I liked the window because I liked to look at the stars. They were pretty because it reminded me of when my friend, Iris and I would look at the stars together.

I took my guitar out of the case. It was my mom's old one. It was white with a roman clock design around the soundhole. It was part of the roman clock guitar series.

I lightly strum my finger across the strings and my left hand fingers instinctively went into different chord positions. I make sure it's tuned and start to play.

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