t h i r t y - e i g h t

Começar do início

"Hey," he warned. You smiled, ear against him, listening to the thumping of his heartbeat. "I built this baby."

"No wonder it's all messed up." He chuckled and the rumble in his chest made you wrap your arms around him. You sighed and he did too. "I'm gonna move away if you don't fix it."

"I will, sweetheart, don't worry." You smiled. Sweetheart.

"You better." Your eyelids were getting heavy now. He rubbed the small of your back. "Anyway-- yes, I threw up three times," you mumbled.

"What?" You hummed. "Why didn't you tell me? I would've come home."

"Didn't wanna worry you."

"Did you take your temperature or anything?" You shook your head. "Let's do--"

"Get up and you sleep on the couch," you whispered. He chuckled softly and you laid in silence for a moment.

"Why don't we go somewhere?" he asked in a whisper. You tilted your head up to look at him a little, only getting a view of his scruff and ear, earring hitting your forehead.


"While I get people to fix the heating and stuff up?" You hummed in response. "We never took that vacation you said we'd have."

"Vacation?" you asked. He grunted softly. "Okay."

"Where do you wanna go?" You tapped his chest in response and he looked down.

"Lemme sleep."


"Good morning, sleepyhead." You rubbed your eyes as you felt the strong pair of arms holding you release. You looked up and backed away.

"Mornin'." You let out a little yawn before pulling away from him completely. He gave you a little smile ad you yawned again, rubbing your arms.

"Sleep nice?" You thought about it before nodding.

"Yeah, really nice." He smiled, now able to sit up too. "Don't you have places to be?" He was always up out of bed before you were.

"Didn't want to wake you." You blushed a little as you turned, legs swinging over the edge of the bed. You stretched your arms before standing. You checked the time-- nine.

"Well, now you're free." He smiled still sitting up against the headboard, feet crossed at the ankles. He checked his phone while you tied your hair. When you were done, you rubbed your arms again. "Please, please, fix the heating and air conditioning and all of that-- it was so cold last night." He held up his phone.

"I'll make some calls today, don't worry." You smiled and rolled your eyes, thanking him. You headed to the bathroom to do your business and he walked in once you were brushing your teeth. You turned. "So?"

"So?" you asked, spitting out your toothpaste. Your stomach churned and you paused for a second.

"I have tickets to book, where do you wanna go?" You tried to remember what he was saying while you finished up your teeth. It hit you as you rinsed out your mouth.

You headed over to throw up into the toilet, holding the seat as you felt Gray's hands hold your hair back, crouching behind you. "Woah," you mumbled, wiping at your mouth with the back of your hand.

"Hey," he mumbled, still holding your hair back as you flushed the toilet, sitting just in case you felt the need to throw up again. "We should check your temperature now. "

You sighed as he checked your temperature. He shook his head. "High?" you asked, tired.

"A little higher than usual." You frowned. "You okay?" You nodded and he helped you up. You thanked him as you rinsed your mouth out once more.

"Oh!" He chuckled and started to brush his own teeth. "Uh-- wherever's good, you pick." He frowned, looking at his.

"I-n know--" he mumbled through toothpaste.

"Wherever's fine, Gray, just tell me when and I'll pack," you said, drying your face. "Are you shaving?" He nodded, reaching for his razor. You frowned.

"What?" You shrugged and finished up with your skin. "Don't want me to?" You bit back a smile.


"Alright." He put it away and you smiled, shaking your head. "What do you want for breakfast?" he asked, walking to the door.

"No work?" He shook his head.

"E's whack if he thinks he can keep me 'till two and then plan meetings in the morning." You smiled, patting your face. "And I have to take care of you?" You rolled your eyes.

"Uh-- pancakes." He nodded. "And waffles." He turned.

"Both?" You nodded.


"Is that a good idea?" he asked. You frowned as he followed you out of the bathroom. "What if you throw up again?"

"I won't."

"I'm positive you will." You rolled your eyes. "You take a nice shower and get dressed, okay? I'll make oatmeal."

He left the room. "Oatmeal?"

"Yes, oatmeal."

You frowned, getting into the shower. You came out a few minutes later, feeling a little dizzy. You definitely weren't doing well.

You got dressed and sat down on the bed for a moment, unable to get up, too scared of falling. You called for Gray but got no response. You reached for your phone, texting him. "Hey?" he asked, popping his head in.

"Gray, I feel terrible," you whispered. He walked in.

"Did you shower?" You nodded. "Do you want to go to the doctor later today?" he asked in a whisper. You nodded.

"I think-- I almost fell. I feel faint." He frowned.

"In the shower?" You nodded. "Why didn't you call me?" You smiled.

"I tried just now and you didn't answer-- you definitely wouldn't have heard me if I was in the bathroom." He sighed, hands on his hips. "Is the oatmeal done?" you asked with a smile. He nodded.

"I cooked it on the stove for you and everything." You smiled and he helped you up and took your hand.

You intertwined fingers as you headed back. "It's still fucking freezing," you mumbled. "It's almost April, why's is freezing-- it was so hot not that long ago."

"I don't know, sweetheart." You sighed, sitting on the couch as he went to get you your food. "I called the same people that fixed E's heating last year and they're coming the week after the next, is that okay?"

"Yeah," you whispered, taking your bowl from him. He went to go get his own. You watched him go. He was so fucking nice to you. "Does this mean we're going out the week after the next?" you asked.

"Going out-- oh on vacation?" you nodded, holding your bowl in your lap as he sat with his. You were still blowing on your spoonful when he'd already had a few bites. "I-n know," he mumbled, mouthful. You slapped him on the arm. "You could still be sick."

"Oh," you mumbled. You coughed and he frowned. And then you sneezed. He sighed to get you a box of tissues. You took one. "Thank you."

"Of course." He sat back down, only to get up. "I'm done, let me put this away," he mumbled, referring to his bowl. You smiled, shaking your head as you ate, tissue crumpled in your fist.

He sat back down, closer to you and you turned, curling up into the couch. With your legs over his lap. He smiled, a hand resting at your knee as he held his coffee mug with the other.

"Thank you," you whispered again. He looked over.


"Taking care of me." He rolled his eyes as he kissed your temple gently.

"Who else am I gonna take care of?"

wrong one//g.dOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora