"Why'd you pull me in early?" I turn on her but she pretends not to be intimidated and skitters to her desk where she retrieves a scanning pen.  

She smiles, "I just have to check up on how things are travelling with your partner. Mr Reid Myers?" 

I narrow my eyes, but then she opens her mouth to ask me to surrender to a blood test so I put my hand out for her to prick my finger, and she looks at it, surprised that I would be compliant without her asking. But I wan' go back to my room, I don' wan' waste time picking fights with this frog-looking bitch. 

She pricks the tip of my forefinger, letting a bead of blood pool before she presses the tip of the pen to it then approaches the screen on her wall, "So how are things?" 

"I told you."  

"I mean with Mr Myers. Have you been sexually active?" 

I kiss my lips, fed up, "What do you think?" Images of him flicker in my head but I make myself glare her in the eye so she won't call my bluff.  

"Disappointing. Take a seat, Violet." 

I just arch a brow, plonking my ass in the chair across from her desk as she sits in front of me, "I'm just going to perform a questionnaire to check your compatibility with him..." She collects a tablet and begins logging into a system. It strikes me that this could be the transfer process Doctor Abigail referenced. "Genetically you guys are a perfect match, however, genes don't take personalities into account." She adds with a smile. I watch as she pulls a form up but then she tips the screen out of my view. "Have you found him likable?" 

"Sure." I drawl. 

"Have you shut down any advances?" 

"He hasn't made any." My skin prickles in discomfort and she starts typing. 

She frowns, nodding, "Has Mr Myers ever mentioned anything about his time in Lake Darling?" 

Why would that matter? "No," I answer slowly, but my inflammatory tone earns a disapproving look. 

"Was he close to your family?" She inspects the device, pattering her fingers across the screen. She glances at the screen on the wall as it loads my blood sample. I can't decide if she looks like a frog or a toad. Sure has the chin of a toad.

"He, was friends with my brother." I try to limit the information I provide but after a moment, she looks up expectantly, waiting for more. When I don't deliver, she lowers the device and crosses her legs. 

"Miss Warrendale, I need you to be honest with me. I know he shared residence with your family for an extensive duration of time, and that he was close to your parents. Please, elaborate." She scolds, but I glimpse the title of her form.  

Application for Subject Re-Allocation 

I was right. My heart drops and I sit forward, opening my mouth but before I let myself slip up I swallow a mouthful of air and pretend to adjust my seat. "He lived with us when I was a kid. We didn't get along." 

"Why did your family take Reid in?" She lifts the device like she's worried I can see. 

"He had conflict at home." That's not the real reason. If my father pretended to give a shit about every kid in Lake Darling with a rough family life, he would've had a city to raise. 

She clears her throat, "When your brother, Tokyo, enlisted, why did Reid leave the Ghouls?" 

I still haven't found the courage to ask. "I didn't know him in the city." If she's trying to re-partner us then why is she asking about his history with the gangs? Will the re-allocation be effective tonight? 

MADOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora