chvpter 20

805 38 1

Sending love!!!

Reid doesn't notice me staring as he spins his spoon in his fingers, frowning at it. "What did Elias tell you?" I ask.

Reid glances at me, "Uh, don' think you were there this morning, but Teacup is friends with this Ghost kid named Kensie. E was light on detail, but Teacup said Kensie ran away from her partner last night. Guards got her." Reid clears his throat, avoiding looking at me, "three of 'em raped this kid then delivered her back to her partner, so he could have a go."

I lean forward, placing my chin in my hand as the blood drains from my fingers, my stomach turning.

"When you an' Thai were with Hito, we overheard that guards don' get penalized for fraternizing with candidates no more. Elias told me the ringleader was Lieutenant Hinkley." He gestures his fork at a soldier by the door.

Reid's grave features harden, "Kensie's partner is a Ghoul. Kenner. E dropped contraband on his work gear this afternoon, the guards should pick him tomorrow... But the idea don' taste so sweet no more, now that them guards not even gon' get a smack on the wrist."

I know Kenner, he's a fat sleaze ball with a brute face like Wilkes.

We both fall silent as I picture Kenner receiving one of the brutal beatings that the guards have been dishing out. Lately there have been beatings at least every day.

"Where'd E get contraband?" I mumble.

"Gave it to him, after lunch." Reid glances around at the empty hall and gestures at my plate. "Hurry up."

"Whatchu give him?" I sit back.

He glares me dead in the eye, "You said you needed to drop them cuffs on someone. Eat. Vi."

I chew my lip and look at the plate he practically licked clean, before my eyes fall on his heavenly serving of cherry pie.

I sigh, "I'm not hungry."

"You're always hungry." He grunts.

I shrug, leaning over the table again, "Hito psyched me out." I keep replaying it in my head. What he said about Bloom... then his parting comment. Tokyo is better than Trick.

I cast a look across the hall at Hito but Reid simply observes me, and his expression darkens to a sour glare. Somehow his bad mood gets worse. He drops the plastic spoon and it clatters on his plate as he flexes his knuckles.

"Eat." He pushes, and I glare at him as I place my fork down, but then to my surprise he scoops it up and twirls a mouthful of noodles for himself.

"Hey." I complain, trying to retrieve it but he arches his brow around his mouthful.

I look at his dessert and try to go for the spoon but he bats my hand away, "No. Cost me a lot." He drops my fork and collects his own utensil.

"But," I try to argue but then he takes a spoon of cherries and pastry, hovering it in front of his lips while I watch like a begging dog.


He smirks.

"You ask Hito those questions?" He drawls, looking ahead like he's uninterested.

I arch a brow at him in warning.

"Alright," He backs off, "Why'd him psych you out?"

"He said Dr Jewel has a fire-wall around my army file... said Tokyo is better than Trick."

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