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I sit on a pleather medical bed as per the unfamiliar Doctors instruction, silent and simmering with dislike. I don' get why they interrupted my dinner for an unscheduled health check. "I just don' understand, Doctor Abigail sees me. She's my practitioner, and my next appointment isn't for another week." I drawl, trying to get a better look at the screen on the wall, hoping it'll give me a hint as to why they've pulled me in early. 

"I know, Violet. Never mind that. How've you been, honey? It's so lovely to meet you," She smiles like we're gon' be best buddies. "I'm going to run you through a quick medical exam. Then you can get back to your dinner." 

I glare at the irritating bitch and her artificial features, bouncing my brows in petty disregard. "You don' got to check my blood pressure again, it's fine." I snap, and her smile flattens for a moment before she turns away.  

"Sweetheart, please don't make me call the soldiers back in. I just want to check your weight and run some bloods." She turns to the dispenser on the wall and pulls two blue gloves onto her skinny hands before she approaches me. "You've only just earned good-behaviour privileges, so I'd hate to be the person who flags you again." She chides.

"Don'-." She starts checking my glands before I can voice my objection, so I stick my chin in the air and grit my jaw.  

"So, how have things been since your rescue?" She asks sweetly, feeling at my throat. 

I wrinkle my nose, chin still in the air, "I dream about my mother dying in my hands a lot." I spit, "Or when your soldiers shot her." 

She stiffens, her pretty features flinching in a spurt of awkward horror before she recovers, retracting her hand. She starts pulling the gloves off and directs me to the scale beside her desk. I push myself off the bed, prickling with the urge to bully her into letting me go before I stomp myself onto the scale and look at the wall.  

Scorpius is arriving at dawn. If this doctor tries to snarl up my chances of escape, I'll do more than threaten her.

"Oh, you haven't gained enough weight," She sounds disappointed.  

"I'm a G.H.O.O.L," I remark, irritated. 

"I understand that Miss Warrendale, but your diet has become significantly more nutritious since your time in Lake Darling, so I would expect at least some weight gain. It would be better for the baby-." I look at her sharply and she chokes on her words, scared of the enraged flash in my eyes.  

"What?" Am I pregnant? How?

"The baby, to come." She clarifies with a tight and airy tone, so I fix her with another prickly look as I step myself off.  

She turns away, and we fall silent for one jarring moment. "What is this about?" I snap.

"I'm sorry?" 

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