13 Facts about the Series

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Hey cuties,

So with this series no over, I thought that it would be fun to tell you guys some fun facts about writing this series. I had so many to tell you guys, but I narrowed it down to 13, and I hope you guys enjoy them :)

Here we goooooo

1. I write all of my fanfics on paper then I type them up.

2. I became inspired to write my jelena fanfics by @jelenalovforev on Instagram, she even encouraged me to write them. I know we haven't talked in a long time, but I just want to thank her so so so much.

3.When I first started writing my fanfics the chapters started out as short as the first chapter of This is Forever. But then I realized that this is my story, and I can make the chapters as long or as short I want them.

4.Wattpad wasn't the first place I posted my fanfic. At first I posted it on livejournal, but that honestly wasn't the right place for my fanfic. So I quickly deleted it off of that website. Then I remembered seeing Wattpad through Twitter, and that's when I started positng here.

5. So I actually documented the days that I wrote my Fanfics. Since I write them in notebooks, I put the date at the top of the page (this is a side note, I put a heart after ever single date) So I led to making these little graphs of how many pages I wrote a day, and how many days it took me to write the fanfics on paper. I honestly don't know why I did this, maybe just become I'm weird like that. Anyways here are the stats of how many days it took to write each of the fanfics on paper:

This is Forever: 88 days

Runaway Love: 64 days

Love (Taylor Swift Fanfic) *Spin-Off to Runaway Love*: 18 days

Be Alright: 75 days

Teenage Dream: 30 days

6. What inspired me to write the spin-off to Runaway Love, was for me to see how it was to post two Fanfics at once. Personally, I liked to only post one fanfic at once because I feel it takes away from the story. Then you have to work out a schedule for more than one story, and I don't know it's just a personal thing for me.

7.In my first minute of posting, I recieved 6 reads and I literally freaked out. Today, I still freak out over the amount of reads I have.

8. So here are my favorite scenes of each of my Jelena Fanfics:

This is Forever: The photobooth scene where Justin and Selena make out. I love this scene just because that was where they had their first kiss in the series and it took forever! Lol. So that was my favorite scene in that one.

Runaway Love: I had way too much writing this one. But my favorite scene would be when Justin is singing to Selena in the hospital, because this is where his talent is recogonized in the series. But the paint scene comes really close to being my favorite.

Be Alright: So this one was a little more serious than the other ones, at least that's what I believe. It just didn't have as much drama, and I was more focused along the story line because it was originally supposed to be the last one in the series. But overall, my favorite part was of course when Justin proposed to Selena, because when I was writing it, I was like awwwwww the whole time, and I just found it so adorable and unexpected.

Teenage Dream: Overall this one had to be my favorite one to write. I loved writing every part of this story, so it's really hard for me to pick a favorite part. But since I must, I would have to say that I love the epilogue, because I think that it is a sweet ending to the series.

❤️ please leave comments below of what your favorite part of each story was ❤️

9. Okay this is going to sound really weird, but my mind works in this way were I have way too many ideas at once, and I'm just ready to plan. When I was around Chapter 24 in This is Forever, I knew exactly how I wanted the second one to end and where I wanted the setting, and I hadn't even known how I wanted to end the first one!

While in the first chapters of the third one, I was having so many ideas for new fanfics. Then just as I was about to go to sleep one night, I knew how I wanted to end the series. Instantly, I hated myself for thinking of an ending like that (the whole dream thing, not the epilogue), but I knew that this was the right way to end the series.

10. I have a charm bracelet, that I wear everyday, that has charms on it that represent each of the Jelena fanfics that I have written.

11. I have a box that I decorated myself, and I labeled it: Cuties Comments; I keep it right on my nightstand. Basically I filled the box with all of your guys' sweet comments, and I read one every morning when I wake up, and every night right before I go to sleep.

12.Since I started posting my fanfics on the 13th of October, my favorite number is now 13.

13.You guys alrady know this, but I love you so much. I seriously can not thank you guys enough. If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't be as serious about my writing, and I just.......I just am beyond thankful for each and every one of you and how amazing and how sweet you guys are.

And a bouns fact about my new fanfic: The Kiss, the Wish, and the Mirror !!!

So this next fanfic, or series, I haven't completley decieded yet. But the idea came across at the beginning of January 2014. However, I knew that I needed to finish this series up first, so the idea of this new fanfic was picked back up in June 2014. I have been writing this fanfic for 7 months now, and I am still currently writing it.

The Kiss, the Wish, and the Mirror has came out, so please check it out :)

So that concludes the 13 facts about the series, along with the series. I still can't believe it's over. I just want to thank everyone who has been with me from this fanfic from the beginning, and to everyone who read it. I just love you guys soooooo much and just thank you for everything you do for me.

much love,

jessica xoxo

Teenage Dream (Jelena Fanfic) *Part 4*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora