Chapter 7: Blackmail

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Selena's P.O.V.

Staring at the clock in the car it was past 2 in the morning. We were almost in LA. Just a few more miles then we would hit LA. Looking over at Justin, he was dozing off. He could barely keep his eyes open. Why couldn't he have waited until the morning to come?

Nudging him, I demanded, "Justin pull over. Let me drive, you're too tired." Justin glanced at me then looked back at the road. It seemed like he understood what I was saying. But he also looked half asleep. Justin shook his head. I raised my eyebrows.

"I I I have to driveeeeeee. If I let you drive then you won't know where to gooo," he said sleepily in between yawns. Shaking my head, I refused to let him drive. If he wasn't going to let me drive, the least he could do is pull over. Justin kept his half opened eyes on the road.

"Justin pull over now," I demanded. He yawned then pulled over to the side of the road. It was a good thing he was easy to deal with while he was falling asleep. Most people would argue. Justin then rested his head on the steering wheel.

"Just half an hour, wake me up in half an hour," he demanded sleepily. After he said that, he immediately fell asleep. It was a good thing that I had made him pull over now. Pulling out my phone from my satchel on the floor, I got ready to set a timer.

As my screen lit up, I saw an unread message from Ruby. Looking over at Justin, he could use a few more minutes of sleep. I opened the text.

Ruby: Hey Sel. I know it's late, but I just wanted to make sure that you guys are okay.

Noticing the time it was sent, it had came in a little before midnight. Then I noticed it was sent exactly an hour after we had left. It was so sweet how Ruby cared for us so much.

Me: Yeah, we're fine

Ruby: Finally you text me back! I was getting worried. So did Justin give in to telling you? Or is he still keeping it a secret?

Me: No he finally gave in. Just had to make a deal with him ;) Oh! He's taking me to LA. And he found a place for us to live!!!

Ruby: That's great, but where did Justin get the money from?

The more I thought about it, the more I wondered too. Maybe it was a cheap place. I mean it's not like he had a lot of money. Or maybe he did after the whole famous thing. I don't know what to think. This is all confusing.

Me: Maybe money from his singles or something? I really don't know.

Ruby: Just be safe

Me: Trust me we are

Ruby: Good! Make sure to keep me updated on you guys. Have fun in LA. But more importantly, have fun at UCLA!!!

Me: I promise to keep you updated, and hopefully I have fun at UCLA. You have fun at the diner!!!

Ruby: Haha thanks. Hopefully I'll hear from you soon

Me: Talk to you soon

Exiting out of my text messages, I then went to my timer. Setting it for half an hour, I then set it on the dashboard. To be honest, I wasn't that tired. But getting some sleep would get me energized to be hyped when I saw the house. So time for a quick nap.

"As long as you love me, I'll be your platinum. I'll be you sliver; I'll be your gold. As long as you la-la-la-la-la love me, love me," my phone sang. Opening my eyes, I reached for my phone on the dashboard. My phone continued to sing. Turning the timer off, I looked over at Justin.

Still sound asleep. Nudging him, he was continued to sleep. Groaning, I nudged him harder. "5 more minutes mom," Justin mumbled. Rolling my eyes, I nudged him again.

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