Chapter 9: News

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****Scooter's P.O.V.****

Putting the partially burned pancakes onto three plates, I then turned off the grill. Okay, I wasn't that much of a chef. But I was trying to be nice. Setting the three plates on the dining room table, I then rushed back into the kitchen.

Going into the cabinet by the fridge, I pulled out the syrup. Hopefully the syrup would mask the partial burns on the pancakes. Placing it on the table, I checked to make sure everything was on the table. 'Butter, syrup, peanut butter, that seems like everything that we need,' I thought.

"Justin! Selena! Wake up! I made breakfast!" I yelled. Shaking my head, that didn't sound believable. I never made breakfast. There was no response. Rolling my eyes, I thought, 'Of course.' Rushing down the hallway, I went to Selena's and Justin's room.

Hopefully, Justin and Selena weren't making out. Then again if they were making out, they would have a logical reason for ignoring me. Placing my hand on the doorknob, I then stopped myself. What if they were making out? I didn't want to walk into that.

It would be awkward and weird. Wait why should it? I had gotten used to their faces being connected since I met them. So it wouldn't be that awkward. Opening the door, I immediately looked over at the bed.

To my surprise they weren't making out. They were just asleep in a cuddle position, which looked cute. Smirking, it wasn't too cute to wake them up. I picked up a pillow off the floor then walked over to their bed.

Justin had his arm wrapped around Selena. She had the side of her face resting in his chest. Containing myself, I thought twice about waking them up. This is the picture perfect moment. Well if I took a picture, I could sell it to the media. No, I'm not that cruel. Taking my pillow, I hit Justin upside the head with it.

The pillow barely went against Selena's head. Justin and Selena barely moved their heads. Rolling my eyes, I should've hit them harder. Now hitting them with more force, both of their heads perked up. I dropped the pillow as they both groaned.

"What time is it?" Selena groaned while sitting up in the bed.

"Just 5 more minutes," Justin whined while sitting up.

"No get up. I have big news!" I announced with excitement. They both groaned. Glaring at them, I thought that they would be more excited. They both continued to groan.

"Just hurry up. I'll tell you my news over the breakfast I made," I said in a tempting tone. Hopefully that would make the hurry up. Soon I left the room and went back to the dining area.

Justin's P.O.V.

Getting out of bed, I put on a pair of jeans that were lying on the floor. Then I picked up a v-neck up off the floor and put it on. Looking at the bed, Selena was now laying down. Crawling onto the bed, I shook Selena's shoulder gently.

"Babe wake up. Scooter has big news. That should make you want to wake up," I chuckled. Selena groaned then sat up. She looked at me with an annoyed look.

"Doesn't he always have news? So what's the big deal?" Selena groaned. She had a point. Scooter always had news. We've lived here for weeks now and Selena already had Scooter's personality down. Well Selena is a smart girl.

But where was something about his news. There was more excitement in his voice than usual. So it was big news. Which made me very curious. Plus there was the fact that he had made breakfast. This showed that it was big news. I mean Scooter never cooked.

"I know Scooter always has news. But I can tell that this is different. He had more excitement. So let's just go and see what it is. Plus he made breakfast," I said hoping to win Selena over. She rolled her eyes then got out of the bed.

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