Chapter 13 - An Original New Year

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Happy New Year, I hope 2015 brings many more great things :)

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters in this story, they all belong to the writers and creators of The Vampire Diaries.

Elena had received a phone call from Elijah, he was currently with Kol, Klaus and Matt in New York. They left only a couple of days after Christmas, apparently a big threat was coming, threats that gave the idea that Esther was involved. She was supposed to be dead, by they had soon learnt that their mother just didn't seem to stay dead no matter how many times they killed her.

They would normally worry about Matt going on a 'hunting' trip but he had the Gilbert ring, Alaric was an original so it got passed to Matt, only used in case of emergencies.

The phone call had basically requested her presence in New York, according to her boyfriend, there was going to ball and the host was a possible target. Elena had walked into her shared apartment and found the girls .

"Hey, did you get called too?" Elena asked her friends, they were currently huddle in the sitting room, and a few packed bags in the corner.

"Yeah, apparently it's to get more information on who is trying to build an army against us and Hope." Rebekah explained easily.

"I have to pack, when are we leaving?" Asked the brunette.

"2.30pm" Bonnie replied.

It was only eleven so Elena still had plenty of time and luckily it was a private jet so they didn't have to worry about queues or checking in luggage. When 2pm hit their clocks they all headed out to the private airfield that currently awaited them. Not long after that they were in the air heading towards 'The Big Apple'.

"I can't believe we have to deal with witches, hunters and whatever else on New Years" Rebekah moaned, a slight hint of sadness in her voice.

"At least we got to spend Christmas together with no interruptions. And you got to see Hope. It can't be too bad if we're attending a ball." Elena reminded Rebekah, hoping to fit her sour mood.

"I guess you're right but I just wanted to spend the New Year with Matt. He told me how he used to celebrate it and I was excited to do it with him this time." Rebekah gazed out the window of the plane while Elena just patted her arm.

Caroline and Bonnie had fallen asleep not long after the plane was in the sky. They were excited to be venturing further. New York was something else they could tick off their list. The flight was only going to take a few hours. They would be landing and then heading to their hotel to get ready for the ball.

When the four women had finally touched down in New York a car was already waiting to take them to the hotel. Fifteen minutes later and they were standing in front of their hotel rooms. Turned out that they had each got a room of their own as they were in fact sharing with their respective others.

They spent the next hour getting ready, they had reframed from getting reacquainted with their boyfriends as they didn't have time for that. Instead they showered and got dressed. Eventually they curled, straightened and pinned their hair. While the men seemed to have been ready for hours and just waited for them.


Matt & Rebekah

She was finally ready, Rebekah was wearing a elegant long navy blue dress, it was accompanied by some black high heels,more hair was pinned back and curled at the ends. Matt on the other hand looking dashing in his black tuxedo.

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