Lovers and Partners in Crime

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                    As the sun peered through the bedroom window, Octavia's eyes fluttered open to see Hunter fast asleep. She smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. "Good morning, handsome." She said as she began to crawl off the bed. He opened his eyes as he stretched and yawned. He crawled off the bed smiling as he watched Octavia go into the bathroom to brush her teeth. He heard a knock at the door and hummed the tune to "Partners in Crime" while he walked up to the door, cracking it to peer outside. "Yes?" He said as he looked through the crack. "I heard on the news that the police believe that your father's brother is raping innocent little girls. They believe that Octavia is next and advise that you and Octavia stay home until they find him. I'll go pick up the missed homework after work today. Please protect her." He said as he bit his lip. "You can count on me, Mr.Torez." Hunter said with determination. Mr. Torez smiled softly as he nodded and made his way back down the hall. Hunter smiled softly as he closed the door. Octavia came out of the bathroom as he shut the door. "What happened?" She asked. "We've been excused from school since my uncle has apparently tried raping innocent girls. The police think you're next, so they suggest we stay home. Your father is going to pick up our homework." Hunter explained as Octavia sat down. " I could've stayed in bed." She said as she frowned. He chuckled softly and nodded. She sighed as she sat down on the bed, "I really do hope they catch him. You...don't have any more aunts or uncles I should know you?" He shrugged, "Not that I know. I didn't even know my father had a brother to be honest. My father didn't really talk about his family that much." She scratched her neck as she looked at him, "We will get through this together.." She said as she looked at him. He nodded as he started to recite the lines of the song, changing it a bit to 'they' instead of 'you'. "They'll never take us alive. We swore that death will do us part. They'll call our crimes a work of art. They'll never take us alive. We'll live like spoiled royalty. Lovers and partners.. Partners in Crime~" She giggled softly as Hunter sang the lyrics.

            They heard the door close as Octavia's parents left the house to go to work. They were finally alone and they could do anything they wanted. He took a deep breath as he looked around. "So since we're 'quarantined'" He said as he put air quotes around the word. "What should we do?" She bit her lip as he asked the question. "I don't you want to play something? We could play video games if you want." She suggested. He scratched his neck and chuckled, "You would just lose in Mortal Kombat again" She frowned, "You just got lucky." He stretched as he got up. "Don't you want to eat something first? I'm going to go make some eggs." She nodded, "I'll come with you." She said as she got up from the bed. He nodded and left the room with her in front of him. They went down to the kitchen and Hunter took out the egg carton from the fridge. He placed it on the counter and made his way to the cupboards to take out the pan. Octavia stood near the kitchen door with her arms crossed. He hummed as he placed the pan on the stove. Just as he placed it on the stove, an arrow came hurling towards the window. The arrow broke the kitchen window and went through the kitchen, landing right beside Octavia's head. Her eyes widened as the arrow landed beside her head. He made his way to the arrow since he saw a paper attached to it. "Next time..I won't miss. I know where you live. I know your schedules and I will avenge my brother." His eyes widened as he read the threat on the piece of paper. "W-What is it?" Octavia says, her heart still beating from almost getting hit with the arrow. He gave her the piece of paper as he held her close. "Are you okay.." He said as he kissed her forehead. "Y-Yeah I'm fine." She said as she read the paper. She bit her lip as she looked at him. "W-What are we going to do?" She stuttered as she looked up at him. He chewed on his bottom lip as he thought for a bit. What should we do? If he's after Octavia and he dies, wouldn't it be self defence? Would we still go to jail for that? If it means that Octavia is safe, I wouldn't mind going to jail. I need to protect her at all costs. He chewed on his bottom lip as he looked at her, his black hair covering his left eye. "We'll figure something out. I promise, baby." He kissed her on the cheek as he smiled softly.

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