Rodney's Revenge

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              As they entered the house, Hunter's phone lit up with a message from an unknown number. "Hello, Nephew. It made me really upset that you let your girlfriend do something like that to me. I'm family, you're supposed to help family..not let someone who's not family harm your family. She won't be with you forever. Family always comes first." Hunter sighed as he replied to the text. "I didn't even know my father had a brother. You just came out of the blue. Don't use the "family always comes first" card with me. I never thought of you or my father as family. My father killed the only person I thought of as my family. I trust Octavia, and I don't appreciate you trying to rape my girlfriend. You're a creep, just like my father..and you will ALWAYS be a creep." That message must have silenced Rodney because he didn't get any more texts after that. Hunter and Octavia continued with their night as usual, playing Mortal Kombat 11. He was getting better and better at it and Octavia was a bit angry since she kept losing to him. She frowned as she looked over to Hunter. "How are you so good.." He chuckled, "Practice makes perfect. Besides, I've gotten quite used to fighting games since I was in a Street Fighter tournament a couple years back." She gasped, "What? Really? How come you never told me?! My boyfriend is a Street Fighter Master!" She giggled as kissed Hunter on the cheek. He chuckled as he put the controller down, his smile fading. "Hey..Octavia? Can I talk to you about something.." He scratched his neck as he looked at her. She smiled softly as she put the controller beside her. "What is it?" He bit his lip as he continued, "I got a text message from my uncle. He was upset that I let you stab him in the eye. He thinks you won't be with me forever...I-I really don't want to lose're the only person I actually care about right now and the only person I have loved..since my mother's death.." She sighed as she placed a hand on his cheek, "Babe. I'm your ride or die. I would do anything for you. I'm not going to leave you just because things got hard. You're the only person I've given my virginity to on the first date. It took other guys the fourth or even fifth date to make me get in bed with them. You're different. Even though everyone left you, you still stood strong. You didn't let them win. I admire that about you. When I was about to get raped by your father, you protected me. You risked your own life by holding him down and giving me the time to grab a weapon. I wish I had that courage." He smiled softly, "I wouldn't have done it without you. If you didn't hit my father with the meat tenderizer, I would be dead. I love you, and I always will." She blushed softly as she scooted closer to him, placing her head on his chest. "I'm so happy I met you." She said as she kissed him on the cheek. He smiled as he held her close. They crawled onto the bed, cuddling each other until they had both fallen asleep.

                  Today was the day they were able to finally find the time to bring some of his stuff over from the old house. Octavia's mother and father had drove them to the house to pack up the stuff he wanted to bring. They promised to come back after everything was packed. Hunter bit his lip as he took out his keys and opened the door. He looked around as he bit his lip. Although he wasn't gone for too long, this place had brought back memories. The chart where his mother was carefully marking his height was still up near the kitchen, the TV where him and his mother watched cartoons together until they had both fallen asleep was still there, the blood in the kitchen from his mother's death was still stained on the kitchen floor, everything was left the way it was when he left. He sighed as he made his way upstairs. He went to his old room and looked around, looking for what to bring and what to leave. As he started to bring out boxes that he had kept in the closet, he heard something move next door. Since the walls were so thin, it was easy to hear whatever was happening in the next room. He decided to shrug it off, thinking it was just Octavia looking around in his parents room to learn more about them. He hummed as he continued placing clothes into the boxes and closed them. He got up and stretched, taking a break. He continued to look around as he smiled, remembering all the memories he had in this room. He had his first kiss here, his first steps, his first toy..but now he had to leave this room behind, along with all the memories. He began to walk out of the room as he wondered what Octavia was doing. The door to his parents room was already open, so he peeked into the room to look around. No one was there. He bit his lip as he called out to Octavia, "Octavia?! I'm almost done packing! Where are you?!" He looked around as he chewed on his bottom lip. He had a bad feeling about this. "Come on, baby. This isn't funny.." He said as he continued to look around. He made his way downstairs and noticed that the basement door was open, it wasn't open when they arrived at the house. He tilted his head a bit as he peeked down into the basement, "O-Octavia??" He called out. There was no reply. He chewed on his bottom lip as he made his way down the dark steps towards the basement. A foul smell entered his nostrils as he went further and further down the steps. He heard faint muffles as he neared the end of the steps. "B-Baby?" He said as he looked around. It was too dark to see who the muffles came from. He stood there, looking around until he was hit in the back of the head by something and his vision turned to black.

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