A Mysterious Man

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          Hunter woke up in Octavia's bed. His parents had told him to sleep with her even though he continuously told them that he's willing to sleep on the couch. It was 3AM, but he was thirsty. He decided to quickly make his way downstairs to grab a glass of water. He crawled off the bed, wearing nothing but his blue boxer briefs. He threw on some grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt that Octavia's father had loaned him until they went to pick up his stuff from his old house. He made his way out of Octavia's room and down the stairs, trying to be very quiet since everyone was sleeping. As he stepped down on the last step, the doorbell rang. He jumped as he was a bit startled at the loud sound of the doorbell. He looked up at the staircase to make sure no one had woken up because of the sound. He made his way over to the front door and opened it. There was a male around his height in a black hoodie, looking down at the ground. "Can I help you, sir?" He said as he yawned and looked at the male. The male looked up and muttered, "Do you know where I can find Hunter Rivers..." He scratched his neck, "I'm Hunter Rivers. What do you need?" The male looked at Hunter. His face was so pale, like he hadn't been eating for a few days. He had brown eyes, brown hair and a full beard. He grinned wide as he looked at Hunter, "I had heard my brother had passed away..I was looking for his son. My brother told me great things about you, Hunter. I was also wondering if I could take his body back to Texas, so that he could be buried with our mother..." Hunter scratched his neck. The male standing in front of him was his uncle. He had never once met this man in his life, he didn't even know he had an uncle. He looked at the man and cleared his throat, "No offence, but I don't even know you. You just showed up to this place asking for my father's body. How did you know I was here? My father has never spoken to me about you." The man smiled softly as he replied, "Ah, yes. I am your uncle. My name is Rodney Rivers. It is nice to meet you. The nice police officers over at your old place told me when I visited. I want to give you my condolences. Your mother was a very nice woman." He looked at Rodney as he spoke, "Y-You knew my mother?" Rodney nodded as he smiled, "I introduced your mother to your father. She was a very close friend." He smiled softly as his uncle stood at the door. "May I come in?" He said as he looked at Hunter. Hunter nodded softly as he stepped aside to let him in. He looked around and smiled, "This is a pretty nice place." Hunter smiled softly as he replied and closed the door, locking it when Rodney entered. "Thanks. It's my girlfriend's place." Hunter scratched his neck softly as Rodney continued to look around, "So..I'll let you know when the mortician will be able to let you take my father's body and bury it..They're just keeping it at the morgue right now." Rodney nodded as he cleared his throat. "So. How did my brother die? Please tell me the truth." Hunter bit his lip as he replied, "He committed suicide." Rodney clenched his fists as he glared at Hunter, "Bullshit. My brother would never do that. You or your girlfriend must have killed him. He texted me that he was coming to THIS address before I never heard from him again." Hunter sighed as he scratched his neck, "Well, maybe he just never texted you after." Rodney lunged towards Hunter, pushing him towards the wall, holding the hem of his shirt in his hands. "Tell me the fucking truth!" He yelled angrily. Hunter bit his lip as he said, "Please lower your voice. People are sleeping." Rodney yelled even louder. "Tell. Me. How. He. Di-" Before he could finish his sentence, Octavia was standing at the bottom of the staircase. "I-I killed him." She was shaking. She assumed Rodney was talking about Hunter's father because he was the only person that they had ever killed. Rodney let go of the hem of Hunter's t-shirt. "You..Bitch!" Rodney yelled as he stepped forward, his fists clenched. Her mother and father was now awake, startled by Rodney's yell. They made their way out of their room and practically ran down the stairs. "Who are you?!" They yelled. Rodney glared at them as they approached the bottom of the stairs.

              "This bitch KILLED my BROTHER!" He yelled angrily. "I don't appreciate you calling my daughter that awful word. Please leave or I will have to call the police." Her father calmly replied. Rodney glared at Octavia before stomping towards the front door and leaving, his fists still clenched. Hunter closed the door when he left the house. Her mother held Octavia close as they both begin to make their way upstairs. Her father stood there, still a little angry. "Sir, I'm sorry. I let him in. He's my uncle, and he seemed pretty n-" Her father held up his right hand to stop him from continuing his sentence. "It's okay. Just please be careful who you let into the house next time." He said as he made his way upstairs. Hunter sighed as he made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When he got the glass of water, he made his way back upstairs and went back to Octavia's room. He bit his lip as he entered her room and placed the cup down. He laid beside her as she turned around to look at him. "I'm sorry, baby. It's my fault for letting him in. I put you in danger." He said as he held onto her hand. "I'm a bad boyfriend. I-It won't happen again." He kissed her hand as he held her close. "It's okay babe..I was just scared that he was going to hurt you." She said as she kissed him on the cheek. "W-Well now he knows that you were the one who killed his brother. So now he might come after you. We have to stick together so I can protect you." He said as he held her closer to him. She nodded and closed her eyes as she began to drift off to sleep. He smiled softly as he fell asleep with her in his arms. What a crappy way to meet your uncle. He didn't visit or anything while his father was alive, and then when his father dies..he magically shows up? There had to be something he wanted. He wasn't just here for his father's body. He was probably here for something else as well. It was up to Hunter to figure out what it was and uncover what else Rodney was here for.

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