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~ Pucca point of view~

It was a peaceful day in Sooga Village, and Ching, Garu, and I were relaxing under the sun when..... "CHING!!!! PUCCA!!!! GARU!!!!!" shouted someone. It was Abyo! "Hey! Look what I got!" said Abyo while waving 4 pieces of paper. 

"What are those, Abyo?" asked Ching. "These are tickets to America!!! I won them in a raffle down by the street!!!" "Cool!!! So we could to America together!!!!" exclaimed Ching. "Actually, I was planning to go with somebody else... I just want to show off..." said Abyo as he whistled. "What?!" said Ching with a depressed face. 

I was full of anger at Abyo showing off that I punched him on the ground and he went about 30 feet below ground. After 10 minutes, Abyo finally climbed up. "O-kay, o-kay, I-I w-was j-joking! Y-you c-can c-come." shuttered Abyo. "Yay!" exclaimed Ching as I wiped up her tears. "When do we leave?" I asked. "In 2 days! here!" said Abyo as he hands everyone a ticket. 

"Good. I'm going to tell my uncles about this. Bye!" "What?! Already?! Can we at least come with you?" asked Ching as she used her puppy doll-eyes. "O-okay..." I sweatdropped. "Then let's go!" said Ching. "She's so cheerful these days." I heard a mumble. "And that's what I love about her..." 

"What was that, Abyo?" "N-nothing!" said Abyo while having like 50 shades of blush. "Okay?" I said, curiously. When we arrive at the restaurant, I explained everything about the trip and they allowed it. "Hey Pucca! Let's have a sleepover with the boys!!!" said Ching. "It depends on the boys..." Ching used her puppy doll-eyes on the boys. 

"Uhh....Okay?" said Abyo. Garu sighed and nodded. "Hooray!!!" "Ching and I are going to make some snacks and borrow games for the sleepover while you guys have some freedom." As they left, I heard Abyo said that he wanted to train with Garu. 

"Wow Pucca! Your cooking skills have improved a lot!!!" exclaimed Ching as she tasted Pucca's cooking. "Oops! Did I hurt your feelings?" "No, it's alright! I noticed that my skills were terrible, so I had some lessons with my uncles! Now let's finished cooking!" 

After 30 minutes, we have finished baking and were off to borrow some games. After another 30 minutes, we got the games for the sleepover. "Ching, I'll go get the boys while you prepare the sleepover." "Okay, Pucca!" I went out of Goh-Rong and started to look for the boys. As soon as I went out, there was a huge explosion near the forest. 

What the? I dashed to the forest to see what was going on. When I arrive, I saw Abyo and Garu fighting a robot and flying mini cans? Here we go again... I quickly dodged the mini can, went straight to the robot, and tapped on it. 

At first, Abyo and Garu were confused till they saw the robot turned to dust which made the flying mini cans self-destruct. "T-thanks, P-Pucca!!! W-we w-were g-getting t-tired!" wheeze Abyo. Garu nodded with agreement. "Your welcome! Anyway, we're ready for the sleepover!" "Great! I'm all pump now!" "Hehehe. Let's go then!" 

A few minutes later, we've arrived back in Goh-Rong. "Welcome back, guys!" greeted Ching. "What took so long?" "Dong-King trouble," I responded. "Again? I swear I'll kill them for ruining this sleepover!!!!" said Ching, furiously while having an angry aura surround her.  

"Now, now, Ching. Our sleepover isn't completely ruined!" said Abyo while trying to calm Ching. "That's right! Now, let the fun begin!!!" First, we played some games. "I'm hungry!" said Abyo. "Okay, let's eat!" said Pucca. We all went to the restaurant tables to eat our feast.

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