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~Garu's point of view~

With Pucca's help, I made it to Goh-Rong and gave the ingredients to chefs in time. I sighed in relief as I sat down to rest, eating my black bean noodles while thinking about what happened just now. Somehow, Pucca just gave me a cold face. 

Now that I mentioned it, she didn't kiss me, hug me, blushed, or did anything love-dovey. What's going on? It's like Pucca became a different kind of person! I thought. After eating, I helped the uncles clean the dishes since Dada was busy serving, while  Danny was sweeping the floor. 

After a few hours, Pucca came back and I quickly showed the chefs. "What is it Garu?" asked Dumpling as he came out from the kitchen. "Oh dear what happen to Pucca?!" shouted Ho in surprise as he saw Pucca. I shrugged. "And Pucca isn't even clinging Garu anymore!" shouted Linguini in surprise, too. 

"What happened to our dear Pucca?!" questioned Dumpling. "We better go to Master Soo, it's a good thing we're closing shop early," said Ho. Dumpling, Ho, and Linguini took Pucca to Master Soo, but I couldn't join them because I promise Abyo that I spar with him at 5 o'clock. So I dashed out of Goh-Rong after the chefs and Pucca left.

~ No one's point of view~

Pucca, Dumpling, Ho, and Linguini went to find Master Soo. After about 30 minutes, they finally found him on the deck of his palace, relaxing. Pucca started to train her kung-fu skills. "Master Soo!" shouted the uncles. "Eh?" said Master Soo. 

Then, he came down with his cloud. "What do you need?" asked Master Soo. "We need you to check on Pucca, she's acting very strange! She even changed her outfit and hairstyle! said Linguini. "Hmmm..." said Master Soo as he looked at Pucca. He looked at her face and found the problem. 

"I found the problem. But..." said Master Soo. "But what?" asked Ho. "I'm afraid that she is........ love," said Master Soo in disappointment. "What?! How can that be?!" shouted Ho. "Do you know what caused this?!" asked Dumpling.

 "I'm afraid I couldn't find what caused this..." said Master Soo. "We better tell everyone the news," said Linguini. Dumpling and Ho nodded in agreement. "No, don't tell anyone about this." said a voice.

~Ching's point of view~

I was on my way to Goh-Rong to see Pucca. I wanted to hang out with her because I was bored. When I arrived, I saw the uncles and Pucca dashed out. Then Garu. I remembered that Abyo and Garu are going to spar, but I was curious about the uncles and Pucca. 

So I followed them and I ended up going to Master Soo's palace. I hid in a bush and saw Pucca was training her kung-fu skills. I noticed her outfit and hairstyle. Pucca changed her look and outfit! But why? I questioningly thought. I overheard their conversation about Pucca becoming emotionless to love. 

I was shocked by that! I was about to leave to tell Abyo and Garu about this, but then I heard a voice. "No, don't tell anyone about this." I realized it belonged to Pucca! Did Pucca just talked?! I surprisingly thought. Everyone was shocked. "But why, Pucca?" asked Dumpling in surprise. "I don't what other people to think I'm a still little kid. I'm growing up into a teenager and I should change," said Pucca. 

"Are you sure, Pucca? People will worry about your sudden change," said Linguini. "I'm sure," said Pucca. I was curious about that. There must be another reason why Pucca should change. I thought suspiciously. I waited till Pucca and the uncles left. As I was following them, I saw Garu and Abyo. I'm guessing they're done with their sparring. Poor Abyo is crying! I chuckled and continued following them. 

Complicated Love ~Alternate Universe~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora