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Alexis opened her eyes and looked around, realizing she didn't know where she was. She didn't recognize any of the buildings around her.

She walked for a few minutes, kicking a rock along the sidewalk. She was still so angry. Why did people lie to her all the time? Especially her own father?! Aren't parents supposed to tell you the truth? Aren't they supposed to be loving and helpful?

She sat down on at a bus stop and put her head into her hands. She felt bad for yelling at Sherlock. She even started to feel bad about yelling at her father like that. They way he broke when she said those awful things...

She could hear a few cars drive past on the street in front of her, and she listened to the lulling sound of rubber on asphalt.

"Oh, Alexis." Someone sang. She looked up and saw a black car parked in the street in front of her. She was about to turn her head, when it was yanked backwards by her hair. A syringe needle was pushed into her neck, and almost instantly her vision started to fade out. "Hiya, Lex." An American accent whispered into her ear. Trevor turned her head to look at him and grinned. "Miss me?"

My Father's Daughter: The Search for Alexis Moriarty.Where stories live. Discover now