Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

"I have to tell you somethin'." Mikaela said quickly. "I meant to tell you earlier, but well, uh,"

"You were on watch, I get it. Spit it out." Andrea said quickly.

She inhaled. "I saw Adam here. Rick's group was the group that attacked. He didn't tell me where they were staying at, but by the looks of it, from what he was wearing, it looked like a prison."

Andrea's eyes widened. "Are you sure it wasn't just some illusion?"

Mikaela blushed, knowing that she had been seeing things. She was too tired to even remember if she told Andrea or Ariel about them.

"" Mikaela nodded. "They weren't."

Andrea quickly stood up. "We can't tell the Governor. He'll attack them. Mikaela, we lost twenty something people last night." She said rapidly. "Most of that was kids. I don't know why Rick would attack this place, though.."

Mikaela sighed. "Anthony.. he kidnapped Taylor and Ethan."

"Why..?" Andrea said, confused. "Never mind that."

Andrea thought for a moment. Michonne left because of something fishy, but never explained what exactly was 'fishy'. Maybe that was it? Kidnapping people? It was a puzzle, to Andrea. But she needed to see it for herself. The prison. She couldn't let a war possibly happen. 

The sun rose slowly, in the distance. The streets had become a tad lighter, minute by minute. 

"Talk to the Governor?" Mikaela shrugged, suggesting ideas for Andrea.

Andrea nodded. "Yeah. I need to see Rick. I'm going to the prison."

"What? Take me with you, please." Mikaela said, wanting to see her father and brother again. 

Andrea shook her head. "No, it's too risky. I hardly think that the Governor would give me a car. I'll have to do it by foot."

Mikaela looked down. "Oh.. well, talk to The Governor, please?"

Andrea nodded. "Will do."

Her blonde ponytail hopped a little as she jumped down from the wall, walking toward the infirmary.

Inside the infirmary, The Governor sat as Doctor Stevens covered his eye socket with gauze. She was quiet, not wanting to talk to him, as he seemed pissed. He was angered by everything. The destruction of his town, the fact that people broke in, not walkers, and more importantly, his daughter's final death. 

Alyssa looked at him, stitching a cut on his arm from the glass that'd been on the floor. He was pretty cut up.

"I'm sorry about everything that happened," Alyssa said, running the needle and thread.

The Governor was silent, watching her repair his skin back together. 

"I can't imagine what you're going through." She said, sighing. She pulled the last of the thread through, before hearing the door behind them open. Andrea walked back in.

"What's this I hear about kidnapping?" Andrea said, not caring about others hearing.

The Governor looked up at the blonde, confused. He knew that it would surface sooner or later, as the attack was a surprise. 

"I'm sorry?" The Governor tried to play it off.

Andrea rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid. Mikaela told me everything. She said that one of the people that attacked this place spoke to her. He was part of our group before all this,"

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