54: Movie Night

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1 month later:

Elizabeth POV:

"You know when I first saw the Star Wars movies I was blown away," Happy said as we neared Peter's apartment. "I know you'll like them too." Happy pulled in front of Peter's apartment now. "What time should I pick you up?"
"I don't know, Ned wants to watch both the prequels and the originals tonight,"
"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning," Happy said with a laugh.
"I can stay all night?" I asked with a smile.
"Yes, but I don't want you and Peter to be alone," He said in a serious tone, making me laugh.
"Don't worry," I said grabbing my small bag that held snacks and opening the car door and stepping out. I closed the door and started walking when Happy put down the window.
"Have fun kiddo!"
"I will!" I said with a wave.
I continued up to Peter's apartment and knocked on the door. May opened the door with a smile.
"Come in!" she said giving me a hug. As I walked in I could see Peter and Ned sitting on the couch. "Peter has been talking about this movie night nonstop for almost a week now,"
"Thank you May, but um I got it from here," Peter said, May laughed and then winked at me before walking to her room. Peter turned to me with an embarrassed smile. I opened my mouth to say something when Ned called out.
"Come on let's start the movies!"
Peter and I walked to the couch and I could see now that he and Ned wore matching Star Wars shirts. Ned stood up to put the movie in and Peter sat down patting the space beside him for me to sit, but before I could claim my spot Ned sat down. Annoyance flashed on Peter's face before I gave him a reassuring smile and sat beside Ned.

Peter POV:

We soon started the marathon beginning with The Phantom Menace, and following with The Attack fo the Clones, throughout the movies I'd glance at Elizabeth to see her watch the movies with interest every so often she'd lean forward in anticipation. By the end of the second movie it was almost eleven O'clock.
"Wow, when Anakin slaughtered all the Tusken Raider's I got chills," Elizabeth said as the credits began to roll. Ned nodded in agreement, "Come on start the next one!" Elizabeth said with excitement.
As Revenge of the Sith played, Elizabeth stared at the screen engulfed in the story, as the movie approached its end all three of us sat in silence.
"You're my brother Anakin. I loved you."
Tears formed in her eyes. I reached my arm behind Ned and touched her shoulder, she placed her hand on mine, holding it as she continued to watch till the end of the movie.
When the credits began to roll she sat back and sighed and wiped a tear from her cheek.
"Wow, that was intense and heartbreaking."
"Yeah, it took a lot for me not to cry like a baby right now." Ned said, he turned to me now, "You remember when we both cried our eyes out watching it for the first time."
"Yeah, I almost cried tonight," I said earning a giggle from Elizabeth.
"Hey do you guys mind if I take a quick nap before we start the other three?" Ned said looking at us both.
"No, go ahead," Elizabeth said, Ned then sat back and closed his eyes, within minutes he was snoring and asleep. Elizabeth giggled as he began to snore loudly.
"Hey do you wanna go to the roof?"
She smiled and nodded and we both stood up and walked to the staircase leading to the roof top. We sat on the edge of the building and stared out at the city.
"Tonight has been really nice," she said looking at me with a smile. "I mean overall this last month has been wonderful, and I can thank you for that."
"Yeah it has been really nice,"
She turned back to look at the city but i still looked at her. Just then the breeze picked and she shivered, I saw my opportunity and scooted closer to her, putting my arm around her. She nuzzled against me and rested her head on my shoulder. My heart pounded so hard I was sure she could feel it. We sat like this for several minutes before before I mustered up the courage to say something.
"Hey Lizzy?" I said with my voice a little shaky.
She looked up at me without sitting up, she studied me for moment as I tried to find what to say.
"Yeah?" she asked with a warm smile, as my heart beat quickened.
"I uh- I just wanted to know if you would show me your new suit sometime," I said, with a wave of disappointment washing over me for not saying what I really wanted to say. Elizabeth looked down and sat up and I could've sworn there was disappointment in her eyes.
"Um, yeah of course. Monday after school I'll show you." I scooted closer to her again, "We should probably go start the next movie, Ned wouldn't want us to let him sleep for too long."
"Oh, yeah you're right." I said trying my best to hide my disappointment. She stood up and then began to walk inside.
The rest of the night we finished the three movies. We finished Return of the Jedi around eight a.m. and Happy picked Lizzy up soon after.
"So um, see you Monday," I said as we neared Happy's car. She smiled and nodded and then got in her car and left. I sighed watching her leave and then walked upstairs exhausted. When I walked inside I was bombarded by questions from May.
"So, did you ask her? Did you she say yes?"
"I didn't ask her," I said as I sat on the couch.
"What?! Why? What happened?" she asked sitting down next to me.
"I don't know, I just got really nervous and I just ended up asking about her new suit, and the rest of the night she didn't really talk to me the same, she just seemed kind of disappointed,"
"It's okay, you'll find the right moment to ask her out, and I just know she'll say yes," May said giving me a hug. "Now go to bed, you need sleep. I think Ned is passed out in your room already."
I yawned and walked to my room where Ned was passed out on the top bunk. A few minutes after lying down I passed out too.

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