Officer's Meeeting

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"I would love to be there," Ava replied with a large grin on her face, her expression giving away her enthusiasm at the prospect of being let in on another meeting.

"Come on then, we've got pirates awaiting," Theo said and walked them to her quarters.

No pirates were awaiting but Theo's room was piled from floor to ceiling with objects. There was a small path to get to the bed and a clearing around the desk but besides that, her quarters were littered with every item imaginable.

"Excuse the mess," Theo said and stepped over a few things to get to her desk, "Everyone gets things delivered to my quarters and then they take too long to come to claim it. After a cycle whatever is unclaimed is mine so I guess that is a perk."

"How am I going to find any of my stuff?" Ava asked after laughing at the scene in front of her.

"That's half the fun of Niveal shopping," Theo chuckled and sat down at her desk to review the agenda. As Theo was reading through it Ava sat in front of the desk.

"What is that?" Ava asked.

"The agenda for the meeting. Helps keep me on track," Theo said and Ava raised an eyebrow. Theo wasn't sure what was so odd about that but Ava seemed to be surprised. Theo guessed it was surprising to see a well-organized pirate.

"Can I see it?"

"It's not in Common. You wouldn't be able to understand it," Theo dismissed.

"Fair enough. How long is the meeting?"

Theo shrugged, "Who knows. Could be quick or could be all aftermorning. We won't know until we start discussing things."

Theo went back to the agenda and Ava bided her time until the rest of the group got there by trying to pick out the things she had bought. It wasn't easy and Ava had only managed to find the bag of dyed fabrics she bought. She sat back down with a sigh and Theo laughed at her. Soon enough, the women were walking in and taking their seats. Theo was right, no one but the required people had come. The makeup of the room looked no different than it did on the night they had all gathered to smoke together.

Theo was sitting behind her desk, Xyra standing by her right side as usual. Cooker, Morgana, Tuni, Oceane, Pearl, Iona, and Navi were littered around the crowded room. Some of the girls sat on the floor, others on Theo's bed and others found seats atop piles of clothes and books. It looked chaotic but Theo would have expected nothing less.

"Right. I will keep this as quick as possible so you can go out and enjoy your last hours in Niveal. We don't know if or when we'll be back," Theo started and looked at her agenda, "First things first, we managed to secure a job but since Cooker here is the one that's putting her ass on the line to vouch for it I will let her share."

Cooker stood up from her chair, the only person beside Ava that had an actual seat, "Thank you, Cap. We've got a job; to deliver a shipment to Gossem. We've got three cycles to complete the job. Upon delivery, we get 15,000 gold. If our crew stays the same between now and then we each get over 350 gold."

"15,000 gold to deliver something to Gossem? What in the living fuck could it be? Last delivery job we did was twice the distance for a third of the money," Navi pointed out.

"It's a shipment of ugali," Cooker said and the air seemed like it had left the room.

Theo studied the reactions of her crew. Navi didn't seem bothered by it but Tuni and Iona did. Ava looked lost, like most times when they discussed things she had no concept of, and the rest of the crew looked mildly put off.

"Is this up for discussion?" Tuni asked.

"Yes," Theo responded, "All decisions we make are up for discussion but I am presenting this job to you with my approval. I think it's our best bet and would give us all a little extra money in case jobs are slim later on."

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