9- Be my Assistant

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What! Me? Psycho..how dare..

   She whine and cried like a baby and tried to open the car door ..she kick her legs in air..moving here and there making him heard to drive ...

  Yahh..Just stop it Enough!!

She didn't stop still whining and shouting while Taehyung got irritated.. He doesn't know what to do she's making him more annoy.

   She's being noisy too muchh...I was surprised on my own action too even a small mosquito can't make a sound in front of me and how come I Aishh with this noisy girl..


Okay..Okay...stop just shut up...

She didn't stop..

Just shut up I won't sell U..he shouted

Huff.. Finally she stop..and looks at me innocently...yet confused..she wive off her tears... (Well fakeu tears she faked cried haha)

  Kanti's POV

Really U won't sell me ? She asked

He nod..

  Then tell me what will U do with me ?

  "I won't do anything ...U will do for me ...U will work as my personal assistant more like a care taker  until U will pay my debt"

  "Be my assistant"

  What! Assistant!?? Me ? I never did that job before n besides I just graduated highschool..

  "It's fine U don't need to do anything difficult U just need to do is took care of me and specially makes me happy "

  But why me? U can hired other trained persons too..!?

" Here I'm giving U a chance and helping U paying the debt and uR just throwing questions on me"

   No..it's not like that I just..

" No more excuses this is your last chance " U will start your work from tomorrow

She nodded hesitately... suddenly he stops the car

"Now get off and don't be late tomorrow here it's my card " he handed her a card

When she turn around she realised she was in front of her house..

  Tq for driving me home with that she runs to her house without even looking back.

   Taehyung's POV

Hmm let's meet tomorrow Preety Girl..


    He lay down on his bed while remembering what he did today he can't understand himself too what's gotton to him he doesn't know since from the day he saw her  everything change without him realising.
  He even send my man to found out all informations about her after the night she bumped to him


??- Sir I got all the informations about her

Okay come here in 5mins with that he hang up the call

After 5mins


  Come in

Sir here is the file all informations about her are all there he handed me the file

He open the file...

   Sir ..she is from Busan. She came Seoul with her parents when she was 2yrs old

     Her father died due to cancer when she was 8yrs old and her mother died 2 year ago due to car accident

  He hmm while looking at the photographs of a 5yrs old little Kanti who's smiling brightly in between her parents arms..

     She lives alone and she's currently working part-time job at xxx cafe... She also has a flower shop near xxxx building

Their is one middle age woman Mrs.Choi Aro.. she took care of her since after her parents died she is close friends with her mom

  He continued..She just completed her senior highschool last month and...

  Taehyung  signal him to stop..he immediately stops

   Okay.. great U did a good job here is your reward he handed him the money

"Tq sir its my pleasure"

Hmm U can go now with that he left...

Flashback end

  He stare at the small pendant and that strawberry handkerchief a smile crept on his face... Taehyung doesn't even know what's he's doing a cold and a very reserved person like him whom everyone scared and most specially the Taehyung who don't give a fuck about any woman is now slowly becoming a different person whenever he's in front of HER..


To be continue




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