Comincia dall'inizio

I shake my head. "Isn't it strange that we were attacked out of nowhere? I mean, how did they trace us and-"

"Relax, we are fine now, that's what matters. Don't overthink yourself," He says.

"We escaped a near death situation and you want me to relax?" I snap out of frustration.

"I know but worrying isn't gonna solve our problem, is it?" he says trying his best not to let his anger overpower him.

"So, what do you want me to do Alex? Sit back and relax. Is the problem gonna solve on its own if I do so?" I fumed at him.

"It won't. But constantly worrying isn't gonna help either," he hissed still trying to keep his anger at bay.

"Look, I am the leader and I am carrying a huge responsibility on my shoulders. I have to make sure you all don't get into trouble."

"We can protect ourselves."

"Oh yeah, I can see that," I say pointing towards his shoulder. The very next second, I regret doing that. Hurt flashes in his eyes and he fists his hand.

As I was about to apologize, Jen interfered.

"I found out the location of Noah Smith," I let out a huff and walk towards Jen. I stand behind her couch and lean forward to have a better view of the screen.

"Will you be surprised if I say that this guy owns a huge company?"

"Not really..." I say.

"Well, he owns Smith's enterprises in Jacksonville and as per reports he lives there. So, shall I register for an appointment?" she jests, already typing furiously in the laptop.

"We will pay him a visit soon," I said gruffly. Suddenly, I heard the bell ring. I quickly reach for my gun when I hear Ben jump up and down in enthusiasm.

"Pizza's here," he walked forward or more like ran forward with a gleeful smile. He opened the door and grabbed ten boxes of pizza. He placed it on the counter and walked towards me.

"Cash please," Ben says as he puts on the most innocent face. I know he is anything but.

"I am not paying for those," I say and turn around.

"Please, pretty please with cherry on top," he pleads with angelic voice.

I sigh and walk towards the door and pay the guy. I walk back to see everyone but Alex devouring the food. Though he has food on his plate, he barely ate any. He had a distant look and pain etched on his face, though I doubt that the pain is physical.

I walk towards him to apologize when Ben interrupts me.

"Eighteen, how about we play candor or dauntless?"

"What?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"You know, truth or dare."

"I have a feeling that either way you're gonna force me to play."

"Great. But I decided to change the rules. The person on whom the bottle lands on will be given a dare or truth by the other members of the team. He can select one and do it. Is it clear?"

"What the-"

"I lost a few brain cells."

"I don't feel intelligent anymore."

"Whatever," I roll my eyes.

We all gather around the counter. Ben spins the bottle and it lands on him.

"Umm...I didn't spin it properly..." he says scratching the back of his neck.

"Ha. Jokes on you. I dare you to jump off the balcony into the pool," Liam laughs.

"I dare you to shut your mouth for the rest of the week," Meghan says.

"I dare you to never pull pranks on us," Jen says.

"That's not fair. Ask me the truth."

"How many slices of pizza did you have?" Alex questions. The other members of the team let out a series of protest saying that it's an easy question.

Ben counts his fingers then his toes.

"Twelve," he responds happily and spins the bottle. It lands on....


"Smell everyone's feet," Ben says without missing a beat.

"No way."

"Color one of your front teeth," Liam dares.

"Are you kidding me? Why can't you go for truth?" I say.

"Alright. What algorithm do you use to protect your devices? No matter how much I try, I can't hack it."

"That's a secret I don't prefer to let you know Jen," I shrug my shoulders. I turn towards Alex expecting him to ask me an easy question so I can get rid of this situation but I see him looking anywhere but me. Perhaps he is still mad at me. As I was about to apologize I was cut off ...again.

"Eighteen, I have an easy question for you. We both have been friends or more like sisters for so long. Have you kept any secrets from me?" Meghan asks jokingly but she didn't know that her question made me hyperventilate.

I look towards Alex to see him now looking at me with worry filled eyes. Everyone in the team notices the distressed look on my face. "You don't have to answer-", I cut Meghan off as I abruptly stand up. I rushed out of the front door and got inside the car. I hit the gas and drive out of the mansion. The last thing I hear is Alex call out my name.

THE BOSS AGENTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora