Chapter 1

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He woke up with his institution buzzing in his head like an annoying bee. He immediately looks around trying to find the source and found a reborn standing there with a green mallet hammer in his hand and by the look of the situation he's intending to use it on tsuna.

"Hieeeeeeee" tsuna squeaked as he falls from his single bed and glared at reborn to which reborn smirk.

"A mafia boss doesn't shout like that. It seems I have to increase your training" said reborn lowering his fedora and hiding his smirk at imagining the tor-tutoring his student. Tsuna shivered at the way his hitman tutor smirked and can only endure the explosion he is soon going to find himself in.

Reborn pointed at the clock on the wall"You are getting late dame-tsuna".

Tsuna quickly realized the time and rushed to the bathroom. After the arcobaleno curse, reborn had returned to his age before he was cursed. He now was taller and a lot more handsome too. Tsuna had feared that reborn would leave him now but reborn had quickly punched his head after reading his mind and said that he's never going to leave him. And soon tsuna found himself in a father-son relationship with reborn. He always had felt happy whenever he's with reborn even after the chaos he causes.

Tsuna removed his shirt and grimaces at the bruise and cuts on his shoulder and arm. He Hoped that the bruise heals quickly before any of his guardians or reborn suspect anything.

He quickly washed and pretty much gave up on his hair. He is never going to enjoy a normal in his chaotic life. His life was so much in the chaos that even his hairs weren't normal. His hairs were defying the fucking gravity.

He changed into his school uniform and went downstairs to greet the 3 children, Hayato's sister and his mom.

He went to the espresso machine and started making himself and reborn an espresso. He still remembered the training he had gone through at making espresso to finally suit his taste and because of that he also got addicted to the espresso.

"Gyahahaha! I am Lambo sama! Give me more food mama"Lambo laughed eating his food.

"Sure Lambo Kun," Said nana giving more food to Lambo.

"Me too mama!" Did i-pin raise her bowl for more rice?

"Ara! The house full of children sure is exciting!" said nana.

Fuuta ate his food quietly while Bianchi brings plates for tsuna and reborn to eat.

Nana opened the fridge for milk to give to the 3 youngest"Oh my! We are short of milk. I will go and grab some milk." Said nana and went to grab the wallet to shop for the milk and other items.

After nana left, Reborn came downstairs with a grim expression and looked at tsuna.

"Reborn-San? Why are you looking upset?" Fuuta, the ranking prince, asked noticing his expression.

Tsuna looked at reborn after hearing what futa said and found it true.
"Reborn?" Tsuna asked unsurely and his institution was telling him he is not going to like the answer.

" Strip" reborn replied in a deadly voice that sends shivers down their spine.

Lambo and I-pin who were fighting for food quickly stopped, Bianchi who was in the middle of setting the plates and fuuta went still. It's no wonder that reborn is known for being the no.1 in the world when his one word can send shivers down people's spines.

"What are you tal-" tsuna was cut off by reborn "take off your shirt tsunayoshi " Tsuna went still at hearing his full name spoken by reborn. Tsuna knew now without a doubt that if he doesn't do it himself then reborn will do it for him so without taking any more time, tsuna unbuttons his shirt with shaky hands and pulled off his shirt.

The bruise and the cuts on his shoulder and arms were now colored purple and a bit of blood coming from one of his small cuts. Every eye widened at seeing it and the reborn glare sharpened more if possible.

"Tsuna-nii" came the voice from the children at seeing their beloved brother have such injuries.

"Tsuna" Bianchi murmured moving towards tsuna and lightly putting her hand on the cuts and the bruise.

"Now are you going to tell me how you got that much hurt or do I need to find another way to find the answers and I swear to God, you are NOT going to like the other way" Reborn was furious, to say the least? Someone had tried to hurt what was his! Someone had hurt his student and his son all in but blood. They are going to face hell.

"I-it was an ac-accident," Tsuna said while looking at the floor, eyes not meeting reborn. Tsuna knows that reborn know he's lying.

"Ho, Dame-tsuna. I am going to ask once again who had hurt you and if you are not going to answer honestly this time then your ass is going to shine red soon" Reborn warned and tsuna flushed at the threat. After the arcobaleno battle, reborn had spanked him a few times when he was not taking care of himself or unnecessarily putting himself in danger.

And the punishments left him unable to sit on the chair for few days.

" I-I was going downstairs when some children tripped me and I fall on the floor where some glass pieces were lying around," Tsuna said fiddling with his fingers and squirming under the darkened glare of his father figure.

"And who are these children" Tsuna's eyes widened at that. He knows that voice. Reborn only uses it when he's about to go and murder someone.

"What will you do with the names?"
Tsuna asked looking at reborn who had lowered his fedora and Leon on his shoulder just waiting for his master's command to become a gun and kill those who had dared to touch his master hatchling.

"I am not going to kill them if that's what you are a concern for. Now answer the damn question" Reborn patience was running out and tsuna hurriedly gave the names of the children.

"Mochida senpai, Hiroshi and Issey" Reborn nodded his head and walked towards tsuna and lifted his hands on his shoulder and transfer some sun flames which quickly healed his wounds.

"You are getting late tsuna," Reborn said and watched tsuna hurriedly buttoned his shirt and left the house, his breakfast long forgotten.

"Reborn san" fuuta said upset at why would someone hurt someone as pure as his brother.

Reborn ruffled his hairs." It seems that its time for tsuna class to learn what they had done and now would endure the consequences "

The others nodded in affirmation. No one was going to get away with hitting tsuna.

A wonderful person Mo_2709 is translating this story into Arabic!! You can visit their profile to find the translated story if you have trouble reading my English version.

A Class Trip To Itay!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt