In case of Hyungwon,..sometimes he would lose his focus, the reason was...yes   Kihyun. Kihyun, who could not help but bring his only capture beautiful Hyungwon. How could he lose such a chance.

As this was his hobby, he was not only good but has his own unique style. Until now he had captured lots of moments, he would always bring his camera to mv shooting, photo shoot or vacations. Making his collection of pictures in thousands.

Hyungwon always curious about what he is captures with his camera, he rarely got chance to look at those pictures. All the time they were either bickering or they were too busy with other work.

This moment ...Kihyun was engrossed in taking pictures, with his one eye closed in wink, was a sight to see, he was wearing pink sweater white border printed on the edge, going perfect with today's theam.
He would squat down one moment or stood up another moment, for the sake of getting best angle. Like a squirrel.

Hyungwon's though~how can someone be so cute, 
Kihyeonii is indeed very cute today I'm curious how I looks in those pictures taken by him. I wonder if he ever let me see them.

Minhyuk who was still there felt left out.

Break time:

Hyungwon was strolling around,

He heard Kihyun's live singing coming from one room, so its Kihyun's turn now
he secretly peak through the door, kihyun was indeed shooting in that room, with saff, cameraman, Minhyuk, he looked so small in that big room, , Hyungwon just let out his smile, thinking its my kihyun after all how could anyone compare to him.

afraid he will get caught by someone he left quickly.

Next room in waiting room their belonging were lying on the table, one thing that capture his eyes was a camera, he went near it, as he took a close look, it was Kihyun's.

He wanted to take a peak, but backoff thinking how angry kihyun will be.
But he was so curious, in the fight of fear and curiosity,  curiosity wins.
He grabbed the camera, he opened the the folder, the first picture was his, today's picture.

It was indeed an piece of an art, his expression were capture professionally in single picture, he thought if kihyun weren't an idol he would have definitely been a professional photographer.

As he was about to press next button, "Hyungwon?" Someone called him from behind. He turn back, as soon as he turn, he got shocked and it made him lose his grip on camera and it fell down.

He got surprise because the person behind him was kihyun,

Kihyun was in awe, his eyes automatically grew bigger, his hands covering his mouth as he blinked in disbelief, for seconds he remained in same state, like he forgot how to react. His sole camera was lying on ground.

Hyungwon panicked after seeing kihyun, he thought he is done for, today kihyun will kill him definitely, he regret touching others belongings, I - I ....I am done, the hell, I am so done, I should have locked the door, no no I shouldn't have touch the camera in the first place....ah...Kihyun is not moving.

"Ki KiKihyunah, I really didn't intentionally drop it". He quickly picked up the camera and checked. "Thank god it is not broken", then he looked at Kihyun,

Kihyun finally took breath in relief.

"Kihyun look it is fine, sorry I shouldn't have../-"

"La lala la la la " Minhyuk and Changkyun entered in room singing ..skipping...hands on each other's sholder,"what's going on here?" Changkyun asked, "Yes, what's happening, why you two look like you saw some ghost? "Minhyuk said not knowing the situation.

Kihyun's expression was unreadable, he stepped forward few steps to Hyungwon, snatched his camera he didn't even looked toward him, "It's ok" he said in low voice and turn ready to left the room.

Before leaving he said, "I'm hungry I'll go eat first" with that he left.

Hyungwon looked like he was having mental breakdown, he squatted down, grabbed his hair, "arrrgh"

Minhyuk ran to Hyungwon, patted his shoulder he asked,  "what happened? "

Hyungwon, "Minhyukah, I was just checking pictures in Kihyun's camera, and I accidentally dropped it,..... Minhyuk ah I'm afraid he will never talk to me".

"MWO? (what)!!!!" Changkyun said in surprised, "Kihyun hyung's camera? Hyungwon't come home or else...."he didn't said the complete sentence only made nake cutting gesture.

Minhyuk,"Changkyun ah, will you please go out and check on kihyun?", said Minhyuk in worried tone.

"Oh okay" folding his hands, he went out.

"Did you really broke it?"

"No was not really broken, only got scratch"

"Hmm...then don't worry, he is not someone who will get angry over a scratch",
"I too think so" he kniteed his brows,

"but he can if you touch his camera without permission"

"Arrgh....what should I do?  I made him angry again..." after thinking,  hyungwons expressions become determimamnt

"looks like I need to face him this time properly and apologies"

"Ok you do it" Minhyuk nodded in agreement.

Hyungwon ran out of room. He bump on Changkyun,

"Hyung, I checked in canteen,  and nearby eating area, kihyun hyung was nowhere"

"Okay, I'll search him" in hurry Hyungwon left.


{Again a boaring chapter ㅠㅅ}

LIKE  MAGNETs [Hyungki] (Hyungwon ×Kihyun)Where stories live. Discover now