ch.5 Flower

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When Hyungwon was having confusion on the other side, here on Kihyun's side things weren't well as well, There was definitely something different with his feelings towards Hyungwon, He could tell that he is quite attracted to Hyungwon, but as Kihyun being dense, he too could not exactly stamp those feelings as like, because, you call it fate or coincidence, things were never good between them, despite he never wanted it.

So Kihyun being Kihyun he started to put more distance between him and Hyungwon.


The truth is.... he started to like Hyungwon even before No Mercy era when they were still trainee. That time Kihyun though that Hyungwon was indeed very handsome, everyone praised him for that.

He confused his feelings for normal feelings as like everyone, but whenever he is near Hyungwon he could feel nervous and excited for some unknown reason, and to add more.... there was never an answer for his continues rapid speed in heartbeats, whenever he saw Hyungwon's precious smile.

He tried to calm his heart saying things like " it is nothing, it will go away with time."

He never tried to put any thoughts in it, since it was most important period in their life as trainee , they had more important things to focus on.

Kihyun could not afford to lose at that time, he had to debut no matter what, after all he was more ambitious person who thought of becoming a singer and put his all into it, he's got honey like voice he was confident in it.

But he was not as confident as in his looks, he preferred to stay as far as possible from those feelings of his, he buried them deep down in the corner of his heart.

But those feelings that were buried deep turning into seeds,become a small plant and flower of love started to bloom slowly on it.

Now at present,

He is the member and main vocal of the Monsta x. He never thought he could be able to debut with such Handsome boy Hyungwon.

Sometimes he could feel jealous of Hyungwon that he thought- being near him, he would not only look small but he will look average.
(A.N. Kihyun is handsome and overflowing with unique charms)

He would also feel jealous whenever he found Hyungwon and Wonho being close on his radar.

Ahh it was more than confusion, not knowing which jealousy he was feeling, he would get so much stress thinking about it, he would eventually give up.

Kihyun's thoughts~

Life is not easy

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