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Yoo Kihyun,

Kihyun ah ......do you know I like you, I can say this thousands of times but afraid to say it in front of you..... sigh*

                     As am talking to you like this through letters, I feel comfortable, I can express what really inside my mind, without worrying.
                     This will be last later to you, cause I already figured out meaning behind my feelings for you.

Now I have a big problem, what should I do?, should I confess, so that I don't have to hide anymore, then will you accept me?ha I think its impossible Or reject me?

After confession will you get stressed because you don't know how to reject me?

Will it affect you,? Your performance? Will this affect our team?

Or should I keep those feelings to myself, to not to burden you, to maintain piece in monsta x.

I don't 
This kind of many questions keeps on rotating in my mind. I'm getting stressed.

After giving it some thought.....

Really ....I thought about it a lot,

I don't want to lose you, nor I want our team to fell apart.

No matter how much I want to be close,  near you, kiss you, hug you, I will endure....

For the time being, I'll just deal with my feelings, I will just wait until we become close enough, that even if I confess you will not push me away, but understand me and continue to be my friend in future.

Hmm...oh first thing

Past days, I think you are not avoiding me anymore, thanks for that, ..., just that sometime I think you are being shy around me? I'm I right? ... oh Kihyun's not here whom I'm asking haha
But I'm I really correct?  If I'm then it's like I have a hope

Hmm...do I stand a chance?
No no ... maybe I'm getting carried away, maybe I'm misunderstanding?

Anyway at least you don't have that 'I'll kill you' look on your face when you talk to me. I feel good.

Second thing, ...do you know?
Not so long ago,
I asked for Minhyuk's help,....for what?

Of course about you, since you are close to Minhyuk, I wanted know why you were so mad at me back then,...

Remember? before you used to pick on me every time in fan meeting,  you used to avoid me at home, it hurted me.... ah it was hard time.....
Oh!! I was also at fault I think,,,,but are not we always like that?

Back to topic...so I asked him,

But soon I realized .....its not quite good to ask for help in these kind of matter.....afterall these are my feelings, my love, I like you....it should only involved me and you.....I should believe in me more....
I shouldn't involved others for help, after all its me who have to face everything. I should be strong enough to love someone.

And like I was going to tell him that I don't want his help, he came to me and said he already asked you,

That time I realized, ahh how slow I am.

Even though I want to find about you by myself, on my strength, I still don't want to lose any chance, so I listen to him.

He just said 'everything is normal and Kihyun is not mad at you, it is only you who thinks that'

*sigh.......the well I know you until now... I can tell when you are angry or mad, I'm sure back then something was definitely going on with you, or maybe me.
Or Minhyuk lied to me?...... not sure but he can switch sides, now I don't trust him.

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