realization part 3

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"Hyungwon ah Mianhe!!!"

Kihyun was standing in front of Hyungwon,  his head hanging low, his heart was full with guilt, with mixture of shame, "I hope I didn't hit you too hard" he said still looking down.

After practice, he found Hyungwon alone in makeup room, with busy with his phone, he  thought 'the soon the better', so he went to apologies, for flick.

Hyungwon~~wow, this is already two times now, lately he has changed, he became a little softer.
It hurts me, when he says sorry.... but,....After that incident, at night, when he hugged Minhyuk, just to get clear image of his feelings...I understand but ...I didn't like it.
He didn't stopped there, today morning he didn't leave our members, he didn't thought about hugging me again? .....still it was ok....
But, why he had to hug our trainee, she was shocked, cause kihyun isn't that kind of person who leave his manners, and giving hugs to known person. Whoo!!! It really bothered me, I was jealous! !!

I just can't let him go easily, can I? I'll make him buy food for me.

He stood up from where he was sitting putting his hand phone on nearby table. With only few steps he closed the distance and stood right in front of Kihyun, his brows knitted together, facing him.

"what? you didn't hit me Too Hard?" Hyungwon said as he looked down at Kihyun's face, because of his height his gaze was low.

Lifting his bangs up pointing at his forehead, "look here, look how much it hurts!!!" Pretending to be angry

Is he still not over with what Changkyun said, he sounds angry...
Kihyun looked up, looked at his head, he didn't find anything, "Where?  Where? "

"Look carefully, there must be red print of your finger" Hyungwon said.  

Kihyun was smaller than Hyungwon in height, to look properly at Hyungwon's forehead, he had to stand on his tiptoes, he stood on his tips, making his height similar to Hyungwon, he lifted his hand and touched Hyungwon's forehead with his little fingers,

"but I can't see any redness, does it hurt?  " his voice was full with worry.

With sudden contact, Hyungwon felt everything around him stopped for moment, the wind flowing through windows, became slow.

Kihyun was almost few inches away from him, Hyungwon could smell his faint sweet scent, the was scent a lot similar to roses...

As Kihyun was so close, he could see him much clearly, his face skin was white porcelain, even without makeup, you could see the glow on cheeks, it feel like it you touch it... it will ruin, his nose was straight at the end little pointy, his eyebrows was partially hidden behind those black hair bangs, the natural black hair really suited his fair complexion, his lips was light pink there....,
Hyungwon was lost for words, heart was pounding again.....

He forgot to blink and stared at Kihyun....

But what actually catched his eyes most was....eyes. .Those small little eyes of Kihyun, were full of concern, filled with worry only for him, and were so pure..Hyungwon thought..if he kept staring at them, he would lost and  want to keep staring forever.

The fingers tracing his forehead was so gentle, he could tell, Kihyun is being too careful not to hurt the spot where he was hit. He's heart was about to melt with those warm feelings.

Kihyun was unaware, he looked really carefully at Hyungwon's head, but failed to find any mark or redness, he thought~~maybe the redness is gone now, but it must have hurt a lot,.....

"Sorry Hyungwon"

With so much guilt building in his heart, he could only say sorry.
He couldn't stand on his tip toes any longer with that he went back on his feet. Lowered his hand, and stood.

Hyungwon~~ very dangerous!!!, he looked so cute that I almost wanted to kiss him.

Kihyun was now back on his feet, with that Hyungwon have to shift his gaze low again

Getting no response from Hyungwon, Kihyun called again, "Hyungwon? " only to find his intense stare at him. He felt his cheeks burning.

"Ah...That.. hmm, What did you said?" Snapped back after hearing his name, Hyungwon said stumbling.

"I said I was sorry, and you can put your bangs down now," Kihyun smiled, " how long are you gonna hold them up?"

With that smile, Hyungwon forget what he was about to do, his plan was getting treat instead of apology failed. But it's better either way.

"Ah sorry, haha" he let go of his bangs, "and you don't have to be sorry, I'm fine" he smiled back. "It was just a part of game, don't need to worry"

"Pfft" the changes in Hyungwon's expression was funny,  how he seemed angry before, and suddenly, he was smiling, and saying don't need to worry.

Kihyun~~There he goes again, "don't worry" these words seems more magical coming from him, I was worried to death, but when he says it, I want to trust him....

Seeing Kihyun's laugh, was like a happiness for him, he asked smiling, "Why? Why did you laugh"

Kihyun shook his head,"Nothing" he smiled,

Thinking for a moment, he felt that he still should not just apologies, he felt he should do something in return,

Kihyun said,
"Hyungwon ah, will you come with me, ill treat you , I have something to discuss with you"

"Something to discuss? " Hyungwon asked, as he realized something, he said, "Sure, I want to go with you, I too have something I want to say to you"

"Oh really, then, let's check tomorrows schedule" opening his Calendar in phone, he said, "we have whole week packed, and tomorrow is monday, 3 April our "beautiful acoustic" will out,"

"Oh yeah" he looked at Kihyun's phone" we shoot yesterday", now they were together looking at the same time at the phone screen, so their shoulders were brushing, their heads almost touching,

Suddenly they remember yesterday's incident, they both blushed at the same time as they remember how they fell, and now, how close they were.
*cough cough* both caughed at the same time, slowly making some gap they part.

Kihyun looked at Hyungwon, "why are you blushing? " pointing his finger.

Hyungwon looked back,"Because you are blushing, why did you blushed?"

Kihyun quickly looked elsewhere, "I -I don't know..."
Hoo!!! Why I suddenly remember that again?

Few seconds passed

"So, we can't go outside, until next Sunday, because of our schedules," Kihyun talk first breaking awkwardness. "But I need to discuss this matter with you in person, it's kind of important"

Important? .....
"Then let's go today evening, we have no schedule after this" Hyungwon didn't asked much, since they were meeting later.

Kihyun nodded in yes," then, let's do that"

"Hyungwon, Kihyun, don't you guys want to go home? Everyone is waiting in car already, what are you doing here? "

They turned, Shownu was standing at door, with his robotic expression.

"Oh hyung" Hyungwon spoke,"I forgot my phone here, and Kihyun was looking for it with me" grabbing his phone from table Hyungwon made excuse.

"Ahh, you found it, let's go" Shownu said, and signaled them to come with him.


LIKE  MAGNETs [Hyungki] (Hyungwon ×Kihyun)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang