Chapter 20

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"Come on babygirl, time to wake up now" Noah was speaking sweetly to her, trying to wake her up since she fell asleep on the way. He had stopped at a mini pizza restaurant for Dani as he had promised.

She slowly fluttered her eyes open to see her daddy standing there.
"Hey princess" he says with a smile, speaking softly so he doesn't startle her.

"Are we home?" She asks as she rubs her eyes with hands. He chuckles a little at her confusion, pulling her hands down so she doesn't irritate her eyes.

"No monkey, you wanted pizza remember" he says smiling at her. Her eyes immediately widen at the thought of pizza. Noah quickly unbuckles her and helps her out of the car.

Justin gets out of his car as Dani grabs Noah's hand, skipping to the door. Justin opens it as he lets them in, following after. Dani still holds Noah's hand as he walks up to order.

"Hello! What can I get for you today" a nice lady asks enthusiastically, looking at all of them.

"Umm yes, can I please get a large pepperoni and cheese pizza along with a small sausage pizza please"

"Okaay that'll be $12.07, and your order will be done in 5 to 10 minutes" she says as she typed their order in. Noah hands her the money as they go sit at a booth.

Justin sits across from them as Noah sets Dani on the inside of him, next to the wall.

"Ughh I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow" Justin groans as he put his hands on the table.

"Same man, me and Dani don't even have any classes together other than lunch" he says as he puts an arm around Dani who just leans into his side.

"Oh but we do have boxing after!" Justin says, looking on the bright side.

"Mmm, I don't know, I think I'm gonna go with Dani after school"

Dani instantly sits up at that
"No it's okay, I don't want you to have to cancel for me" she says with a smile, hoping to convince him.

"See! Then you'll come to practice then" Justin says excited. Noah looks at Dani as he thinks about it.

"But it's cause I don't wanna be away from you" he says as he gives her a kiss on the head" Justin then suggests

"Then how about she comes to. She can support you from the sides" he chuckles a little toward the end.

"Do you wanna do that baby, you wanna come watch?" Dani quickly nods her head, happy to go support her boyfriend. Even if it is just practice.

"Then it's settled! You both will come" Justin says with a smile.

After a bit of them chatting, the pizza is brought to them.

"Which do you want monkey" Noah asks as he grabs a plate for her.

"Mmm"she thinks a bit as she looks back and forth from each of the pizzas "I want pepperoni please!"

Noah grabs her a piece, giving it to her with some napkins as he also gets one for himself.

°°Time skip°°

They clean up when they're done and leave to outside.

They say bye to Justin since they won't see him til tomorrow and walk to their car. Noah opens the passenger side for Dani as he buckles her in. He walks around getting into his side and drives off.

°°At Home°°

Noah's POV

I park before I get out and walk around to open the door for Dani. I help unbuckle her and grab her hand as she gets out. I go around to the trunk as I get our bags.

I take our bags to the laundry room as  I open my door. Dani went to sit on the couch as she puts tv on. When I come back, I go to the kitchen as I put some water in a sippy cup for her.

I sit next to her, handing her the sippy cup as I pull her on my lap.

"What are we watchin bubs" I ask, looking at her.

"Turbo!" She says as she goes to take a drink. She looks at me weirdly as she looks back down at her sippy cup

"What's wrong monkey" she looks back up at me, still with a weird look on her face.

"This s wader" I chuckle at her as I nod.

"Yes it is water" she starts pouting clearly upset. She sticks it out for me to grab.

"I no wan' it awymore" she says, crossing her arms. I just laugh at her.

"But you need to drink it bubs" she shakes her head, looking away as she goes to sit on the side of me.

"If you drink the water I'll give you juice after, okay" she looks down as she thinks about it

"" she says looking at me. I sigh as I get up to go to the kitchen. She continues watching the movie as I open a cabinet. Of course I'm not actually gonna give her juice! I take out yellow food coloring and put a few drops in the water. Then I cut open a lemon and squeeze a little in so it doesn't just taste like water. I put the lid back on, shaking it as I walk back to her.

"Okay here" she bounces in her seat as I hand it to her. She quickly takes a drink.

"Oo s sower" she giggles a little to her self. I shake my head as I put her back on my lap, watching the rest of the movie.

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