Chapter 1

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👆 Justin👆

" I said NO"! Danielle's mom screamed as she through a glass vase at her. Her mom was yelling at her because she had asked for 5 dollars so she could eat at school. Normally she doesn't eat because she doesn't have money for it so she just sits with her 'friends' while they eat their lunch and she tries not to look.

Danielle ran up to her room and tried to calm herself down so she could try and not slip into little space because she had to be at school in 20 minutes. She quickly packed her binki which wasn't really fancy, just baby blue with a worn out picture of a sunflower on the tip of it and a small stuffed elephant that was also worn out. Her mom didn't know that she was a little and she didn't really have any money so when her Aunt came and visited for a few days and gave her 20 dollars she immediately bought herself a pacifier and stuffed animal. This was about 3 years ago so that's why they had kind of worn out from her using them constantly.


Slam!" OMG did you see what Lily is wearing today! It's so ugly" Lindsay said to Danielle and her other friend Ramona, Danielle just rolled her eyes hearing her 'friend' say that and  slammed her locker closed. " Whatever I'm gonna head to class see you bitches later"         
"Okay! See you later!" Danielle's friends said as she walked to her home room.

Noah's POV

"Dude! You totally fucking killed him yesterday!", Justin said excitedly as we walked to class. "Bro your over exaggerating" I said while smiling knowing damn well he wasn't. "Whatever man, I'll see you after class, so we can walk to PE together" "Alright see you then" I then dabbed him up and he left. I walked into my home room and walked to the back to sit down. I don't really like drawing attention to myself so I stay quiet during class for the most part.

After Class

Danielle's POV

The whole time during class I was fighting myself to stay big which was really difficult considering my little side was very stubborn. I just was waiting until after class so that I could be little for a little while.

Little Danie was getting kind of difficult to control so I started running to to the girls locker room. No one was there right now and wouldn't be for about 15 or  20 minutes. But when I turned a corner I bumped into someone, I didn't care to check who it was or if they were okay cause I was in a rush. Plus they were bigger than me so I'm pretty sure they are fine.


Noah's POV

I was walking to meet up with Justin so we could walk together to PE when the mean girl of our grade Danielle bumped into me. She didn't even stop and kept running, how rude. I composed myself again was gonna start to walk away when I noticed a pacifier on the floor. Thinking it was probably Danielle's I rushed after her to give it back. While looking for her I couldn't help but think as to why someone like her would need a pacifier. I was deep in thought when I heard sobbing coming from the girls locker room. The girls shouldn't be in there for another 10 mins so I thought I'd go check it out. When I opened the door that's when I saw her.

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