Chapter 14

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Noah's POV

When I woke up Dani was sleeping on my chest with her legs either side of me. One of her arms were around my neck as her other one was on her side, her head laying on my shoulder.
I kissed her on her head and was trying to pull her away from me so I could get up.  But once I started pulling away she started whining and dug her face into my neck hugging me tighter with her arm.

I chuckled at her. She's so adorable I just want to eat her. But I can't so I contained my self and just kissed her cheek instead.

"Come on baby, daddy has to get up"

She just mumbled into my neck scooting up more onto me. I just sighed and picked her up with me switching her to my side, she grabbed onto me with her other hand as well so she didn't fall. I had my arm wrapped around her back with my hand under her so she didn't fall. I walked over to the dresser with my phone checking the time. It was currently 10:14am. Dani had her head on my shoulder closing her eyes again. I bounced her a little making her open her eyes.

"Uh-uh peanut you gotta get up" she just whined "mmm noo daddyy" and snuggled close to me.

I walked over to the suit case and got her out a clean diaper and powder.
She had used her diaper last night so thought to just leave her in them for a bit.

I laid her down on her back. I tickled her sides as she let out a giggle before undoing the clip and zipping it down with my finger behind the zipper so it didn't hurt her. I tickled her sides again giving her tummy a few kisses. I take her diaper off laying the new under her as I threw the old one away. I put powder on her first before closing it so she doesn't get a rash. I give her her stuffed elephant before going to her bag and getting out cotton black shorts and a red Minnie Mouse shirt.

I sit her up and put her shirt on as she already has her bra on. Then stand her up to put her shorts on. Once done I go back to the suit case and just put on a plain black t-shirt and leave my sweats on.

I grab her bottle to go wash it and bend down to pick her up putting her on my hip.

Once in the kitchen I see Justin in there at the counter eating cereal.

"Morning J" I laugh at him as he struggles to hurry and swallow his bite.

"Morning" he smiles big

"And good morning to you princess" He bows to her. I laugh again at him turning to look at Dani as she burries her face into my neck as she mumbles


"Come on babygirl, no need to be shy"
I give her a kiss on her head.

"What do you want for breakfast peanut" I watching waiting for her respond.

"Frin' fwies pwease" she brings her head out of my neck so I can hear her properly.

"Of course peanut" I smile at her "Is it okay if you go with Uncle J so I can make it?" I didn't want her to sit in a chair in case she fell and I didn't have her high chair, so this was the second best thing.

Justin put his bowl in the sink as he came back with his arms open with a soft smile to help her feel more comfortable. She was hesitant but eventually leaned towards him putting her arms on his shoulders. He put one arm around her back as he held her leg with his other hand. Her on his hip. She was still a teenager like us so I made sure there was no funny business. He went and sat down at the table with her on his lap. I pulled out a few potatoes for us. I washed them first before cutting them. I heard Dani giggle so I looked back and saw Justin tickling her while they were watching something on his phone. I smile knowing that they are getting along.

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