Chapter 6

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Noah's POV

After we ate breakfast I thought it be best we didn't go to school today. Normally Justin and I would meet up at school 30 mins before the bell rings to hang out. So I texted him to let him know I wouldn't be going today.

Hey man I won't be going to school today so don't wait up

What why?

Just...personal reasons
I'll tell you later

Sure but r u coming to the gym today

No but I'll come tomorrow

Okay. R u sure ur okay, u never skip gym

Yea, I'll tell you about it later I gotta go


Danie's POV

"I was thinking and why don't we just stay home and hang out" when he said that it made me happy cause I didn't feel like being big all day.

"Yes! I wob lub to stway home" because I was so excited I slipped.

"Oh baby come here" daddy had a big smile on his face with his arms open for me. I quickly jumped off my chair and ran into his arms.


Noah's POV

She quickly ran into my arms and hugged me. I stood up with her in my arms and she rapped her legs around me.

"So do you want watch a movie baby" I spoke with a happy voice.

"Yay! Mobie!"she's so cute

I asked her what movie she wanted to watch as I walked to the living room.

" Tangle!" She said as she threw her arms in the air. Ohh shes so cute I couldn't take it and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I got the remote from the table the tv was on and sat down. I turned her around and wrapped my arms around her so she could see the tv.

As I was scrolling through Disney look for the movie she was squirming around.

"Oh I'm sorry princess" I quickly took her off my lap and set her next to me thinking that she didn't want to sit in my lap. But her eyes got glossy like she was gonna cry so I quickly hugged her and dragged her back on my lap.
"What's wrong baby" I was rocking back and forth slowly trying to calm her down.
"You didn't wan' me to sit wit chu" she said as she hugged me tighter like, she was gonna get taken from me.
"No baby, it's just you were squirming alot and thought you didn't want to sit on my lap, I'm sorry baby"

"It's otay, I was moobing (moving) awot becwuse I was twing to get comfotabwle (comfortable)"


Once Dani calmed down I turned the movie on and she snuggled back into my chest more. This feels so nice, having someone to take care of and having the feeling of someone needing me. I hate the feeling of not having someone to snuggle with and so now that I have her, I never want to let go.

After a while of watching the movie we decided to lay down so I laid down on my back while she laid her head on my chest with her legs on either side of mine. It was very peaceful for the both of us and half way through the movie she fell asleep on me. I guess I should take a nap with her so when she wakes up I'm right here.

She's a Little!?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin