Chapter 8

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3rd Person POV

When Noah said that he was gonna give Danie a bath, she quickly got up and tried to run away. But before she could Noah quickly grabbed her.

"Now now little one, you might not like taking bathes but you have to" he said while trying to carry her to the bath room. I say 'trying' because she was squirming the while time. Noah gave her a quick tap on the bum and said with a stern voice,"Hey now if you don't listen I'm gonna put you in time out and no dessert after dinner" and she instantly stopped.


Danie's POV

When he said he was going to give me a bath, I panicked and tried to get away. But to my dismay, he got me before I could and started walking toward the bathroom saying something but I wasn't paying much attention cause I was trying to get away. I mean of course I wanted to take a bath but I didn't want him to see all the scars on me. You know the ones my mom made over the years, I didn't have a lot but enough to stand out. For example I have a big slash on my back the leads from the middle of my side up a little to the middle of my back. I got it from my mom a little after my dad left, it was because I had asked her if she was going to cook dinner and we were in the kitchen so she grabbed a knife and cut my because as she said I was being a 'selfish brat' after that I never asked her about food again, just eating when she gave me food. I had a burn mark on my stomach from my mom, it was the middle of the night, I was asleep and she wanted to wake me up so she got a lighter and put it on my stomach til I woke up. I have a few more but right now I have a few bruises on my sides and stomach. They were from a few days ago so they didn't hurt as much. But that's why I don't want him to bathe me, what if he thinks they are disgusting and doesn't want to be my daddy anymore. At that thought I teared up a bit but quickly wiped my eyes before they fell. I was struggling in his grip trying to get away when he tapped me on my butt and said that he would put me in time out and wouldn't give me dessert if I didn't stop. I was still in little space ( 5-6 right now) so I stopped cause I didn't want that. But I thought of a plan.


Noah's POV

Once we made it to the bathroom I put her down. I turned on the water and started waiting for the tub to fill up.
"Can you put bubbles daddy" she said in a little squeaky voice. "Sure baby" now at first I wasn't because she was being bad but since it's her first time with me, I let it slide. I was going to start taking her close off when she backed up and said that she could do it. So I stood there wait for her when she said " You have to turn around mister" I chuckled and said " Oh do I" "Mmhm" I chuckled again but turned around. Once I heard the water splash I turned around to see her sitting in the tub. Oh she looked so innocent looking up at me from the water, imagine what she looked like looking up at me undernea-  NO, no you can't think like that. I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my head and kneeled down next to the tub to wash her hair. Once I finished washing her hair I tried to turn her around to wash her back but she didn't let me. She just pushed her self up against the tub.

"Princess you gotta turn around so I can wash your pretty little back" I say trying to get her to relax her body to turn her around.


Danie's POV

I was getting scared when he wanted me to turn around because I didn't want him to see the scar. I was scared and didn't know what to do and it caused me to go further into little space.
"But daddy, s no pwetty" I say starting to cry cause I didn't wan' him to weave me. "Oh baby of course it is, come on turn around for daddy" his voice helped to calm me down a little.

"Nu-huh- s not" I started to hiccup a bit

"Why not baby"

"Be-huh-because" with that he pulled me into a hug as I burst into tears that he would leave me.


Noah's POV

I noticed she went deeper into little space by the way she was talking, maybe 2 or 3. But when she said that her back wasn't pretty, it made me think, what could be so bad. Maybe acne but that's okay, it's not her fault. I tried to reassure her with my words but after a little she burst into tears so I quickly pulled her into a hug not worrying that my shirt got wet. I whispered sweet nothing into her ear to help calm her down. I looked down to see what she was so worried about when I saw a few little scars and a big slash on her back. When I saw that I pulled her tighter into my chest not knowing what to think. Once I finish giving her a bath I'll ask her about it.


After about 5 minutes of me calming her down, I pulled away to see her almost asleep.

"Come on princess, lets finish cleaning you up so we can go snuggle okay" I said with a grin on my face. She just nodded with a weak smile on her face. She hesitantly let me turn her around and wash her back. The water itself wasn't that tall but the bubbles were enough to cover her belly. Before it covered her all the way to right under her shoulders but she was laying back so I guess after a while from the water splashing out and the bubbles going down it lowered it to under chest. Yes I saw her chest but I tried not to pay attention and hurry up cause she was getting cold. But when I was draining the water and pouring some fresh water on her to get the rest of the bubbles off, I couldn't help but notice more scars on her tummy. I was mad, really mad that someone was doing that to her and you can tell it wasn't her because of where they were at and the bruises. But I didn't say anything, waiting to get her dry and in some clothes to talk to her about it.

"Come on pretty girl" I said while pulling her to sit on my hip after wrapping her in a towel. Starting to walk towards my room.


Hey! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been thinking of maybe not writing this anymore. But for the time being, here's an extra long chapter for you guys since I haven't posted in a few days. Bye now!👋

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