Chapter 5: Carmen: The Best Days!

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Carmen." Glen greets me as I approach him.

"Hey, just checking to see if you were going on the convoy tonight for the supply run?"

"Yeah." He nods. "That's still happening after today?"

I shrug and nod. "We don't really have a choice, our medical supply is entirely too low. Even after that run last month. With all the attacks happening lately, we definitely need to stock up."

"We need weapons and ammo too." He reminds me with a nod.

"I know. Convoy is meeting at the east wall at night fall. Tell Aiden he can't come." I point a stern finger at him.

"He isn't gonna be too happy about that." Glen chuckles.

"I know." I join in the laughter. "But tell him that if this wedding doesn't happen soon I might have to hurt him." I stop giggling and give him a serious face so he knows I'm not joking.

"Yes ma'am." He salutes me playfully and I chuckle and hit him on the arm. "I'll see you later. Let the President know he's more than welcome to head home now. The city's on lockdown so all the meetings for today have been cancelled."

"Yeah, he's meeting with my dad now and then they were coming to get you."

"I was just about to take the VP home." I thumb towards Ashley office."

"I can take her home if you'd like. The meeting won't be long. I'm guessing it's just about what happened today anyways."

"Yeah, OK." I nod. "I'll let the President know of the switch."

"See you at six." He smiles and heads down the hall towards Ashley's office.

I knock on the President's door and get a 'come in.' "Glen said you wanted to speak to me, Sir?"

"Yes I did, Carmen. Come in and have a seat."

I do as I'm told, taking the seat next to Mr. Carlin. "Hey, Mr. Carlin." I greet him and he returns a smile.

"We were discussing the breach todayand the previous attacks and how they were related." The President speaks.

"We need to hire more guards." Arthur says. "At least a dozen, I'd say. These attacks are meticulous and well planned. That means that whoever is doing this has to be either a former citizen or still within our walls."

I turn my head quickly form the president to look at Arthur. "Why would someone on the inside want to hurt us? We've been nothing but good to this city and the citizens."

"We're hoping that the latter isn't the case." The President quickly speaks up.

"But we're preparing for all possibilities." I turn to look at Arthur as he speaks again. "That supply run for tonight, is it absolutely necessary?" I glance back between the President and Mr. Carlin.

I nod as I answer. "Definitely, we need medical supplies and weapons. We're also not doing too well on ammo. Having to take down all those walkers today to get them the cure depleted a lot of our supply." I explain.

"We can't spare a ton of guards, especially with the city being on lockdown. How many are needed for a run of this caliber?"

"A dozen maybe." I shrug. Maybe more."

"I don't think we can spare that many." Arthur shakes his head.

"I think I have a solution to our problem that would make a Vice President very happy, but you not so much, Mr. President." I turn to him as he smiles and drops his head. He already knows what I'm asking.

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