Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Jeb hated the tension in the air. It was thick, palpable and it drove him mad. For the life of him, he couldn’t figure out exactly what everyone was so damn mad about. They acted as if Gill had suddenly become the enemy or betrayed them and that wasn’t the way Jeb saw the situation at all. Gill had come clean to them and had no intention of doing anything that would harm any of them. He had made choices and decisions before he’d truly come to accept who he was. Jeb couldn’t see any reason to judge or condemn the man for his actions in the past. Now was what mattered. 

And just now, Gill was riding tall in his saddle right at Jeb’s side. Gill and Pete both claimed to have been good rangers and now they would become good outlaws. Jeb had a feeling that Gill would succeed at absolutely anything he did because the man didn’t have it in him to fail. 

Jeb was pulled from his thoughts when a bullet slammed into the dirt directly in front of his gelding causing the beast to rear. Instantly Gill moved his around to the front and drew his revolver as his eyes scanned every direction. 

“It’s just Swilly,” Jeb assured him, grumbling as he fought to regain control of his horse. 

“I thought Swilly was a friend,” Gill replied. “Why the hell is he shooting at you?” 

Jeb sighed. “He’s not shooting at us… he’s just shooting in our general direction to let us know to stop. He doesn’t let anyone ride all the way in without coming out to meet them first.” 

“Hell, I don’t know, he almost hit you that time,” Craig countered. 

“Maybe he can smell lawmen,” Willie added. 

“Lawmen have been known to stink from time to time,” Pete chimed in and Jeb saw the way that both Willie and Craig fought to hold back their laughter and remind themselves that they were angry with the newest members of their group. 

Jeb squinted into the sunset as Jane and Wyatt rounded up the cattle who had spooked at the sound of gunfire. He saw Swilly coming their way and smiled. He’d always liked that one-legged, foul-mouthed, short-tempered crook of a man. 

“”Well howdy there, Jeb! I about got ya, didn’t I?” Swilly mused as he rode in close and scratched at his patchy black beard.  

Jeb inclined his head slightly. “That you did, Swilly. It’s a good thing your aim hasn’t gotten any better with the drinking and old age.” 

Swilly laughed heartily, his breaths raspy as he swatted his thigh. “Well that sure as hell is the truth. So, what have ya brought me this….”

Swilly’s voice trailed off as his gaze landed on Gill and his blotchy face paled considerably. Jeb looked toward Gill as well and realized there was recognition in both men’s eyes. In a flash, Swilly drew his gun and aimed it straight at Gill. Nearly just as quickly, Pete, Jeb, Wyatt, Jane and Craig had sights set on Swilly. 

“You might want to just put that gun down, Swilly,” Craig warned while Wyatt nodded in whole-hearted agreement. 

Heart of an Outlaw *First in the Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now